Chapter 23- In sickness and in health II

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"Sir, someone came by looking for you while you were gone and he dropped this off,"  the nurse says extending her arm to reveal a black envelope.

"What's his name?," I ask collecting it.

"Mr T."

"Mr T from where?"

"Sorry sir, I asked but he told me not to worry because you'll understand as soon as you hear the name"

"What sort of nonsense?!," I mumble.

"Okay, thank you," I tell the nurse before proceeding to my new favorite spot.

Taking a seat, I stare intently at the letter contemplating whether to open it or just throw it in the bin that's right across from me. I ponder over the idea for a few seconds, when all of a sudden, my phone starts to vibrate. I reach for it and discover that it's a message notification from Folake.

"Hello Damola!
It's Folake.
So far, they are still in surgery but I heard it's going well!
Keep the faith, she will be fine! Don't worry.
I'll keep you posted if I learn more," she wrote.

I hastily let out a deep breath I did not realise I was holding.

"Thank God!
Thank you so much Folake, I'm deeply indebted to you. I won't bother you again. Have a good night," I reply.

"You're welcome and likewise," she types almost immediately.

Liking the message, I put my phone back inside my pocket feeling at ease all of a sudden.

"Just hang in there Ololufemi!," I say before turning my attention back to the envelope.

"What the hell! It won't hurt seeing what's inside."

I rip the closed seal off the envelope exposing a single white paper. I bring it out and see the words written on it for the very first time.

Right at the center of the paper in bright red ink it read, 'I AM COMING' in big block letters.

"This must be a joke," I hiss, eyeing the note with disgust.

I flip the paper over hoping to find some sort of clue regarding who sent it, but unfortunately, I'm only met by a blank sheet.

"Who is this Mr T?!"
"Is it Taiwo?!"

"It can't be because he is still in prison. So who is this 'T person' trying to disturb my peace. It must be a prank! Someone is trying to...."

The sound of wheels grinding against the floor force me to bring my thoughts to a screeching halt. I look up and notice two nurses pushing a stretcher. They were heading towards Room 32 which means only one thing, my sweetheart is finally out.

I watch with glassy eyes as two nurses wheel her into the room with two Doctors in tow heading towards my direction.

"Good evening Sir"

"Good evening Doctors."

"We apologize for the wait Mr. Akanbi and we are happy to tell you that the operation was a success. We were able to take out the remaining morphine from her system and stop it from causing more damage. There were a few complications though; her kidney was affected and we also discovered that she suffers from endometriosis," the plump doctor explains.

"It is when the tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterine cavity. Unfortunately, she might not be able to conceive," the lanky doctor says sympathetically.

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