Chapter 1: Fate's a bitch

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It was late. Steve, Sam, Nat and Wanda had been out for a quite a while and I didn't expect them to come back today at this point, even though Nat and Wanda had promised to try their best and make it to movie night. Tuesday was when the three of us got together and watched a movie, the guys usually went out to the bar down the road or played poker in one of the living rooms. Yes, one of the many. I still haven't gotten used to the size of this massive compound, let alone the fact that I am a avenger. Me, the most boring average girl. Well, I am super strong and fast and like Steve I can't get drunk for some reason and I have powers (which I try my best to hide because I simply can't control them well and I'm just really scared I could hurt anyone), but other than... I'm just me. A year ago Tony had found me laying in a forest in Canada, apparently close to a Hydra Facility, but until this day I have no clue how I got there. It is all a blur... Trying to think deeper of any memory previous to the avengers gives me a headache and makes me feel dizzy, so I don't even try to remember any details about my life. The only thing I do now is that my life was quite boring and average, but no further details... Heck, I don't even know where all of my scars... *arghhhga* ... just thinking about where they might come from makes my head hurt so badly... I really have to take my mind off of things.
I left my room hoping to find a distraction. Soon I crossed paths with Tony: „Hey kiddo, how's the head?" he asked. For a second I was super confused... I had never told him that thinking about my life gives me a headache, I made them believe I just don't really like talking about my life. Tony must have noticed the confused loom on my face. „You don't remember y/n? Should Bruce check for a concussion?" he asked, raising his left eyebrow and looking at me like he was worried, but also amused. „Ohh no Tony I'm good! Sorry... You know I don't usually feel pain for that long" I responded. I had totally forgotten that I had hit my head pretty hard when we were training earlier this morning, but unless it's Steve or Thor I'm fighting, the pain usually doesn't stick. „And stop calling me kiddo. I'm 25!" „Hehe well y/n... compared to me, you are most definetely still a child" he said and smirked. „Will Nat, Steve, Sam and Wanda come back today?" I asked. „Nope, they got held up, they probably won't return until tomorrow afternoon." What? What happened? Are they ok? Do they need backup?" I asked quickly and in worry. Taking one day longer was within normal range, but two? But Tony explained that there is no need to worry and that they're all doing ok. „Maybe you should go to bed y/n. The earlier you sleep, the earlier they'll come back!" He said. Ever since Peter's Aunt May had allowed him to become a full time avenger, Tony had been reading parenting books and he is starting to use those little „Tricks" on Peter and me, but I picked up on it pretty quickly (unlike Peter). Knowing it was most likely from one of the books, I laughed at Tony's weak attempt at "parenting". „Tony I am not 4 years old and we are not sitting in a car for hours" He chuckled. But he was right. I have been waiting for the others to come back for quite a while now and it was already pitch black outside, so I decided to head to bed.

The next day I woke up quite early, so I decided to go to the kitchen and cook some breakfast for the remaining team and myself. Pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. I quickly scanned the fridge. „Dammit" We had no eggs left. Since it was still so early I decided to quickly run to the store to get some and also pick up some booze while I was at it. Who knows when Tony will throw his next short notice party?
While I was walking back to the compound eggs in one hand and vodka in the other I admired the beautiful sunrise to my right. It was rising just above the river making it look all sparkly and glittery. Suddenly someone bumped into me causing me to drop both the eggs and the vodka. Awesome. Just awesome. I was so angry and also a bit confused because whoever just bumped into me actually caused me pain, which was quite unusual. I looked up yelling „Can't you look where you're going dumbass?". I was looking right into a face of a man with shoulder long straight brown hair with blue eyes. His face looked familiar somehow but trying to remember caused a very intense dizzy spell which almost made me trip again. The man reached out his hand to help me, but I hit it and said „Thanks but no thanks, I can take care of myself. How about you say sorry instead?!". „You bitch, I was just trying to help you. You were the one looking to that sunset like you think you just walked out of some dumb cheesy movie or something! Fuck you, seriously!" He replied. Without another word or look he left. I wanted to turn around to go to the store, but I noticed the guy walking towards the store. „Well, Cornflakes it is" I mumbled and went back to the compound.
When I returned I was expecting to see the others in the kitchen, but it was empty. They are either still asleep or they already had breakfast and got busy working and training already. I poured myself a bowl of cereal when suddenly I noticed some redhead sticking through the door. „NAT!! Finally, you're back! How are you? How did the mission go?" I said and got up to give her a hug. „Morning Y/N! It all went well, but we'll talk about it in a bit, with the rest of the team. Wanda and I are so sorry that we missed movie night! To make up for it you can choose the movie next week and we'll watch whatever you pick, ok?" „Deal. When's the team meeting?" „I think in about 15 Minutes. Let's meet there, ok? I want to go find Bruce and catch up with him." „Sure, no problem. You go girl" I said and winked at her. Even though she would never admit it, she had the biggest crush on Bruce and by the looks of it, it was mutual. But I gave up trying to convince her to finally admit her feelings to herself and maybe even Bruce. When Nat has something set in her mind, it's set solid.
Fifteen minutes later I made my way to the meeting room. Clint, Vision, Wanda, Bruce, Tony, Sam, Steve, Nat and Pete were all there already. „How nice of you to finally show up Y/N!" Cap said and grinned at me. I smiled back and went to give Wanda a hug to greet her. „Ok, let's start, shall we? Capsicle, what do you have for us?" Tony opened the meeting. Steve reported on the mission which was to take down a Hydra Facilty. Apparently it all went quite quickly, so I didn't understand why they returned two days later than planned. „Well... we got held up... by someone I will introduce to you all in person in just a bit. When we were at the Hydra facility we found my old friend James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky. Some of you might have heard of him under the name Winter Soldier... We finally found him and brought him to Wakanda where they made sure Hydra had no control over him anymore. That's why we needed those two extra days. But it was a success and he is no longer under Hydras control in any way. As soon as he shows up I can introduce him to you all because not only was he my best friend, he will also be joining our team as..." Steve went on talking, but I didn't listen. I just saw the door open and the man who had run me over entered the room. Initially he smiled, but as soon as our eyes met, his face darkened slightly. „You!" we both said angrily. „Steve looked at us, slightly confused. „Do you guys know each other?" he asked. „No, but we've met." I replied, glaring at James Barnes. „Oh if that's the case, why don't you show him around?" Tony asked. I rolled my eyes. Great. What did I do to deserve this? „Nope, no can do. I'm busy." I excused myself quickly. Tony raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. They decided that Bruce should show him around and then closed the meeting. After realizing I would be stuck with this douche for a while I decided to go change and then hit the gym to let out some steam. On my way there I ran into Nat, who looked at me and asked „What was that all about? What happened between you and Bucky?". „Nothing. He's just an idiot." And idiot who ruined my morning and an idiot whose ego was to big to allow him to say sorry. But I kept that to myself. Luckily Nat didn't ask any further questions, so I was abled to go to the gym. I was in the mood to punch some holes into our new punching bags, let's see if they can take it.

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