Chapter 9: 7 Minutes in Heaven

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Later that day Wanda, Nat and I met up in my room to get ready for the little party. I still had a dress I hadn't worn. It was a short dark red and sparkly a-line with a very low neckline and it also showed a lot of the scarred skin on my back. I hadn't felt comfortable to wear it yet, but Wanda and Nat convinced me to do so today since it was just a small party. They were probably right: The avengers were like family, they wouldn't ever judge me for how I look.
Nat and Wanda decided to also wear dresses, but theirs were a bit more subtle than mine. I looked back and forth between them and me and started fidgeting with the skirt of my dress. „Don't you guys think, this is a litte bit much? And... I just.. I don't know if I'm really comfortable showing that much skin..." I said.  Nat took my hands and said: „Y/N. Don't ever doubt yourself, ok? You look awesome and we are going go out there and show the guys that we are the definition of fun, ok?" I sighed. „Ok. Well then... Let's do this!"

When we arrived at the party room everyone else was already there. Clint and Rhodey were sitting at the bar drinking a beer and chatting the rest was sitting at the couch. But there was someone sitting awfully close to Steve and it was definitely not Tony. Wanda turned to me and whispered „What is she doing here and why is she sitting there all cozy with Steve?!" „I have no idea..." I replied. I was so confused, I thought he liked Tony? The latter was sitting on the opposite couch and looked like he tried to hide his discomfort, but I knew him well enough to know that he didn't like what was going on with Steve and Sharon.

I looked around the couch to see who else was here and noticed that no one was looking in our direction except for Bucky. Looking was an understatement. He was staring. And he was staring at me. I blushed. Sam noticed the way Bucky was staring and nudged him with his elbow which caused Bucky to flinch. „Man if you don't stop starin', you're gonna start drooling all over your nice new clothes!" he said quietly, but it was still loud enough for me to hear him. He quickly stopped staring at me and pretended he hadn't noticed we came in. We took a seat with the others and ordered a few drinks. Thor had brought some stuff from Asgard which he shared with Steve, Bucky and me.
As we were drinking and chatting, I kept an eye on Steve. He had his left arm wrapped around Sharon and talked to everyone except for Tony.   The way she called him Stevie made it even worse. How dare he? He saw what that kiss did to Tony! Why would he bring a girl home and pretend like nothing ever happened? Wanda must have noticed the way I looked at Steve angrily. „Do you still want to go through with the plan?" she whispered. I quickly looked at Tony. He was frantically trying to look happy, but he kept fidgeting with his fingers and looked at Steve and Sharon every now and then... He at east deserved an explanation. „Yes Wanda, please" „Ok, then we're getting started."

Wanda: „Hey everyone, what do you think about playing a bit of seven minutes in heaven?"
While Sharon seemed super excited, Bucky raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. The rest of the group agreed to play, but non were as happy about it as Sharon. Was she hoping to get down to business with Steve in seven Minutes? Well, I hope she will never get the chance to.

Nat: „So, who wants to start? how about... Steve?"

Steve: „Sure, hand me that bottle"

Sharon: „Make sure to spin it so it lands on me, Steviiiiee" she said and fluttered her eyelashes. Then Steve spun it. It turned and turned and turned, it got slower. Eventually it stopped... on Tony! „Good job Wanda" I whispered. She just nodded, barely noticable. When I looked at Tony, I noticed he tried to hide that he was a little scared. „Ok well, let's do this!" he said. They both got up and went into the closet, lights turned off. We all looked at each other and then Thor started laughing. „What a wonderful trick you have just pulled Lady Wanda!" „Trick? Why, I didn't do anything!" she said in defense. „Wanda don't worry. We all wanted this to happen anyway." Sam said. We started laughing. Well, except for Sharon. „Can anyone explain what's going on?! Why are you acting all.. weird??" she asked. „Oh no worries Sharon, you'll see" Bucky said. He hadn't said anything tonight, I was already wondering if he had gone mute. He looked at me and mouthed ‚Great idea, doll!' and winked at me. Was it that obvious it was planned ahead?

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