Chapter 18: Fixing what's been broken

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Bucky's POV:

It had been two days since Shuri had finished "fixing" us. Once she was done with us, she showed us pictures of our brains. To be quite honest: I could barely tell a difference, heck I couldn't even see that those mushy black and white thingys on those pictures were supposed to be our brains, but Y/N seemed to be really impressed, so I assumed there must be a difference. A good difference. Now we were sitting on the jet to get back to the lake house. Tony had initiated the construction of a new compound in NYY, it was going to be this huge tower so everyone could see New York is being protected by us. I was sitting next to Y/N who was sound asleep and resting her head on my shoulder when Steve came up to me.

"Hey Buck, are you ok?"

"Shht, she is sleeping" I whispered and put my index finger in front of my mouth. "But yes, I am. I'm just glad this is all over. Shuri told me that she hadn't gotten it all out the first time, you know? But she didn't tell me because she didn't want me to be worried... That's why Zemo was abled to manipulate me as well. But now she got it all!" I continued with a soft voice.

"I'm truly glad to hear that, pal. And how about her?" He asked nodding his head towards Y/N.

"I don't know... She keeps saying she's doing fine, but I know she's still struggling to cope with everything that happened. Shuri asked her whether she wanted to remember it all or not and Y/N actually said she wanted to remember. Now she remembers what happened this time and last time... I don't know why she decided to do so, but I don't know if it was the right decision." I sighed and laid my head on top of hers.

"I'm sure she had her reasons. Instead of wondering you could also just ask her, Buck."

"I know... I just don't want her to think about it all too much. But we'll see."

Steve smiled at me, but then he sighed.

"Buck, there's something I need to ask you. Or well, want to ask you." He looked a bit nervous, and I was starting to get a bit worried.

"Do you... Would you like to be my best man?" he pressed out.

My mouth dropped open.

Then I understood.

"WAIT! Are you and Tony finally getting hitched?" I asked.

"Yeah... he proposed to me while you were in the ice"

"OH MY GOD FINALLY! Yes, I would love to be our best man!!" I exclaimed and got up to hug him, but as I did, I heard Y/N groan out in pain. Shoot, I had totally forgotten she was resting on my shoulder, when I jumped up her head just dropped on the seat I had been sitting on before.

"Ouch... God, guys, what's going on?" she rasped rubbing her head. I loved it when her voice was like that, it sounded so unbelievably hot.

"I'm sorry doll... I was so caught up in the moment I totally forgot you were leaning against me" I said and knelt down to her.

"Why did you jump up though?" she asked still tired.

"Steve had something to tell me and I got really excited. Again, I'm sorry doll" I whispered and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Come on... what did he tell you? You can't just do that to me, I have to know!" she said pouting playfully. I started laughing.

"Sorry Doll, ask Steve." She got up and crossed her arms in front of her breasts and frowned.

"Steve, my boyfriend doesn't want to tell his girlfriend what's going on. Can you tell me why he jumped up like a maniac?" she asked. Steve started laughing.

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