Chapter 12: We have „Business" to attend 🌶️

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When I woke up the next morning, the first rays of sunshine fell into my room. Bucky still had his arms wrapped around me and was still sleeping. God, he looked so peaceful.... I smiled and remembered how all of this had started. I didn't know how we had ended up at this point, but I was almost sad we hadn't realised our feelings for each other sooner.
I continued to watch Bucky sleeping peacefully when suddenly he murmured „It's creepy to watch people sleep, doll" I chuckled. „Well, since you're awake I guess I'm not creepy!" He smiled, his eyes still closed. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. When I tried to pull away, he opened his eyes and looked at me with puppy eyes. I laughed and closed the distance between our lips again. We both opened our mouths slightly and our tongues touched ans started playing with each other. This kiss wasn't as sweet as yesterdays, it was slowly and surely getting more passionate an... hungry.
*KNOCK KNOCK* „Y/N? Are you in there?" I flinched and quickly pulled away from Bucky. „Yes Nat, but I-" I wasn't even able to finish my sentence, as she had already opened the door and jumped into my room. She had tears in her eyes , but from the look in her face they were happy tears „Y/N, you won't believe it but I'm preg-" when she saw Bucky and me laying in my bed together she stopped for a second. Then she chuckled and asked with a smirk on her face: „Do you want me to come back later?" „No, no it's ok. I should leave anyway" Bucky said and slowly got up. Then he bent down to me and said „I will see you at breakfast, doll" and kissed me softly on the forehead. Then he left. „What on earth did I miss Y/N??" so I told her everything.

„I knew it!! I knew you guys would eventually fall for each other! I'm so happy for you!" she said and gave me a hug. „Yes, I'm happy too" I replied with a big smile on my face. „Anyway, enough about Bucky and me. Why did you come here? It sounded like you wanted to tell me something!" I said excitedly. „Yes, right! So... I know it's hard to believe and I still can't even really believe it myself but... I'm pregnant Y/N!" she exclaimed and I saw tears pooling in her eyes. Tears of joy. My mouth dropped. Nat always thought she would never be able to have kids, but I knew deep down she really wanted to be a mom, even though she never really talked about it. I hugged her tightly. „I can't believe it! I'm so so happy for you Nat! But... was it Bruce? And how? I thought... I thought you couldn't get pregnant?" „Well..." she chuckled. „... It seems like Bruce's sperm have some of... Hulk's strength" she smiled, but then bursted out laughing. I was so glad to finally see her this happy. „Have you told Wanda yet?" I asked. „Yes, actually I told her yesterday while you were... Well, and she is just as happy as you are! And Bruce is happy too and I just..." she started crying. „I still can't believe I'm pregnant. I thought I'd never be able to, but here I am" she said, putting her hands on her stomach and looked down lovingly. I was so happy to see her like that. Suddenly we were interrupted by a loud rumbling. I looked down to my stomach, slightly ashamed. Nat bursted out laughing. „You should really go get some breakfast. If I recall correctly, your boyfriend wanted to meet you down in the kitchen anyway!" she said. My boyfriend. I smiled. I really enjoyed the sound of that. I quickly got up and pulled my hair up in a bun. „I probably should. Nat, I'm really happy for you, but I'm STARVING! Catch you later?" „Yes, see you. Enjoy your breakfast, but not too much!" she winked at me and I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

When I arrived at the kitchen, the smell of pancakes slithered up my nose. I looked around and found Bucky standing there making bleuberry pancakes, my favorite! I walke up to him and hugged him from behind. „If it only tastes half as good as it smells I want you to cook those for every meal until we die!" I said dreaming of pancakes, but then I realised what I had just said. Bucky turned around and smiled at me. „Planning a future already?" he asked and cupped my face to pull it closer to his. Our lips were almost touching when he said: „You'll have to wait until after breakfast, doll" he said playfully. I pulled away and looked at him pouting, but he just let out a small laugh and turned back to the stove to finish making the last few pancakes. When he finished, we sat down at the table to eat together. Bucky looked at me in awe as I was debating with myself because I didn't know if I wanted to slowly enjoy every bite of those heavenly pancakes or if I wanted to hurry up and eat as fast as I could because I was craving the kiss he had teased earlier. He smirked at me amused. „If I had to chose between two acts of god I wouldn't know what to do either" he said and laughed as I punched him softly and started laughing as well. I decided to do something in between and eat at a somewhat normal pace. When we both finished, we grabbed our plates and I wanted to wash them up, but Bucky took my hands and said „Sam can do that when he gets here. We both know how much he loves doing dishes!" he chuckled and then finally gave me the kiss I had been waiting for. It was even hungrier then earlier, but from both of us. I quickly pulled away and Bucky looked at me with a questioning look in his face, but when i grabbed the hem of his t-shirt to pull it off of him, that turned into a knowing smirk. Then we pressed our lips together again, just for him to pull away and pull my t-shirt off of my head. Then we kissed again. Our hands were everywhere and suddenly we were both laying on the kitchen counter. Bucky started trailing kisses down my neck and sometimes sucking a bit leaving a few marks. I was surprised when I heard that I let out a small moan. Bucky looked up at me and smirked playfully „Am I making you feel good, doll?" he asked. I smirked back at him and pulled his face back on mine. We were so deep into our kiss, that we didn''t even notice that we had gotten company. Someone coughed, but we ignored it. To be quite honest, I didn't even really hear it. Then I heard a shocked squeak and someone yelled: „BARNES AND Y/L/N get the hell off of my kitchen counter and get a room!!!" I was so shocked I almost fell of the kitchen counter, but luckliy Bucky held me tight. I noticed that Steve and Tony had entered the room holding hands. Steve looked a bit uncomfortable at me and Bucky and Tony looked as if he actually found it fun to interrupt us. He laughed and said „Good morning you two... Seems like you have finally realised what everyone else had known for months!" I looked up to Bucky and smiled and he smiled back at me and then turned to Tony to say: „I'm sorry we... made out on your kitchen counter. We'll leave it to you and Steve" He winked at them and then looked back at me with a smile before looking back at Tony and Steve. „Well, it was nice seeing you, but my girl and I have to leave you alone unfortunately. We have..." he paused and smirked „... business to attend. Let's go Doll." I chuckled and let him pull me t his room, where we continue where we had left off.

Enemies to Lovers: Bucky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now