Chapter 15: The Missions

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Bucky's POV:

I was sitting in an arm chair, while Tony and Bruce tried hacking into Hydras Security Systems. So far without any success. Just sitting here doing nothing was killing me and I thought I was gonna go crazy if I sat there any longer, until Tony exclaimed: „Found her!"

I jumped out of the arm chair and got behind him to watch the footage with him.

„Where is that base?" I asked nervously. It looked familiar, but I couldn't tell where it was. I had been to so many bases, I lost count.

„I'm not sure yet, but it seems it's somewhere in Russia" Tony mumbled, watching the footage. It was just an empty hallway. Suddenly I saw Rumlow and a few of his minions enter. Two of them were carrying Y/N who was still unconscious. Then the camera switched.

The next footage was from a room that looked all too familiar. „Fuck" I mumbled. „What is it Barnes?" Tony asked. But I didn't say anything. I watched them strap her to the machine that had given me so much pain in the past.

Then she woke up. As we continued watching the footage, I clawed my hands into the sofa. That bastard got way to close to her. „That motherfucking bastard!" I mumbled and as the video went on, I barely noticed that my grip had tightened to the point where I ripped the sofa apart. „THAT FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! IF I CATCH HIM I WILL MAKE HIM WHISH I KILLED HIM!" I yelled as he started to rape her. I couldn't even watch it, the look on Y/N's face and the way she was trying to stop him, but there was no way out...

„This is all my fault" I whispered and started crying. As Tony noticed he mumbled something and skipped to the next part of the video.

„No... this can't be..." I whispered in disbelief. It was the room where they had turned me into the winter soldier. Tony paused the video and looked at me.

„Barnes please, if you know what all of this is about, you need to tell us." he asked with a concerned look on his face.

„I... I think they are turning her into a... well, that was where I was turned into the Winter Soldier." I said.

„Fuck" Bruce and Tony said in unison. Then the continued the video.

„Желание (Longing)..." He just had to speak the first word and I knew what was about to happen.

„Ржавый (rusted)..." as he continued, I got nervous. What if what Shuri did to delete those words out of my head suddenly stopped working and I would turn back into the Winter soldier? How would I ever find Y/N?

„Семнадцать (seventeen)... Рассвет (daybreak)...„ as he continued I noticed Y/N got even more nervous with each word. I knew she tried to resist it, but I also knew from experience that it was impossible. Then she closed her eyes... She made it so long, but I knew she couldn't resist it any longer.

„...Товарный вагон (freight car)" I should be at least a tad bit happy I didn't turn back into the winter soldier, but I didn't care. I saw how they had turned her into... what did Rumlow say? The Summer Soldier? He then gave her two missions. God that bastard... the first one was to be his slut and please him every night and the other one was to... Kill us all, me first.

„Buck? Buck! Are you ok?" Steve looked at me in concern. I had totally zoned out thinking about Y/N and how sorry I was, I didn't even listen to what they were talking about. „I'm going to kill this son of a bitch." I whispered. „I'm going to KILL THIS FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!" I said again, now almost yelling. „It's the base in Siberia, isn't it?" I growled. „Barnes calm down please. Barging in there without a plan won't do much!" Tony said. „I don't care! I'm going to kill him!" I growled. „Bucky, if we just barge in there without a plan Y/N might get hurt!" Fuck, he was right. I sighed. „We need to find out where she is now. That footage is at least 24 hours old. She could potentially be at a different base. Considering her... „Mission" she might even be back in the States." Bruce said. „Bucky, we will find out where she is and then we will go get her ok?" Steve said. Then he hugged me and I just cried into his arms. It was all my fault... How would I be able to save her? How could I even face her knowing this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me?

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