Chapter 6: The War continues

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„So Tony, tell us, what do we have to do. And why such short notice? We barely have any time to prepare!" „Sorry Y/n... I got things mixed up. Your mission will actually start Sunday, not today. I don't know where I've got my head... but I'll still tell you all you have to know for your mission now since you're here already anyway. So, first of all: This is a small mission. It's a simple drug deal... well, technically. You're going to this party in Manhattan looking for this guy here" Tony showed us the picture of tall, blonde male with blue-ish eyes. „This is John Walker. He has been dealing for years now but since the police keeps loosing track of him, we are supposed to capture him and break up his drug cartel. We managed to hack into his phone and found out that he will be meeting with a women named Sharon at exactly 10:30 p.m.. You will keep an eye on both of them and as soon as they start acting up, you capture both. To help you guys blend in, you have to pretend to be a couple. Or at least sort of. Look like you're having fun, dance a little, but don't let Walker and that lady out of your sight, understood?" I nodded. I wasn't looking forward to the part where I had to play Barnes' girlfriend, but I didn't want to irritate Tony any more than he already was, so I just went with it. „You leave at 7 p.m tomorrow. Don't you dare be late! This will give you enough time to get there and start blending in and maybe actually having some fun before you get done with the mission." „Sure thing, right Doll?" Barnes looked at me and smirked. „Stop calling me that you... old man!" „You know, Doll, I'm not actually..." „I really don't care metal boy. Let's just get done with this and then get back to ignoring each other, ok?" „Oh no, I was hoping you would still acknowledge my existence to the point where you would pull some little prank on me... too bad" he said sarcastically. Boy oh boy, if only he knew!

Barnes left righ after Tony gave us the briefing, but I stayed. „Y/N, is there anything you need?" Tony asked. „You know you have to talk to him. This can't keep going. You're both way too distracted." „Nah, I don't think so kid. I'm not the talking kinda guy" „You're not the what?! Have you listened to yourself Tony? If anyone's the talking kinda guy it's you!" „Not when it comes to this kind of stuff. I will not talk to Steve. He will do his stuff, I will do mine. I want nothing to do with him in that way." I looked at him in disbelief when suddenly I heard a noise from the door. „Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked, but no response, so I kept talking to Tony. „Tony do you really mean that? I saw the way you reacted to the kiss. You didn't pull away. You closed your eyes. You were as red as a tomato afterwards. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel anything for Steve." „I... I can't. I'd be lying if I did. But I still don't want anything to do with him in that way." Tony said quietly and with saddened eyes. „But why? You both clearly like each other." „Well it's just... the whole 'liking guys' thing is new to me. And also, we have so many enemies, what if they try using that against us? What if... I just want him to be safe!" I saw a single tear rolling down his cheek. Never ever have I seen Tony Stark cry before. He was right, somehow, but still. „Oh Tony! You can't let something like that get in the way of being with the one you love! Both of you deserve happiness, especially with all that madness going on in your lives! You have to go talk to him! How about this... On Monday we will throw a little party, just the avengers and maybe a few friends, and we'll play 7 Minutes in heaven. I'll tell Wanda to manipulate the bottle when either of you spins so you guys get 7 minutes to talk things out. How does that sound?" „It sounds so childish that it could actually work out. I'm surprised you're even suggesting it given you hate that game. Thank you for helping y/n." He smiled and gave me a hug. Another first when it comes to our friendship. Steve mad him soft, but I think I kinda like this side of Tony. „Is there anything I can do in return?" He asked. I smiled... „Can you please give me access to the water temperature settings for Barnes' room for the rest of today? And help me out with something?" This is going to be awesome.

Later that day I decided to go to the gym to get in one last training before the mission tomorrow, but I noticed Barnes was already there punching the last bit of life out of the punching bags. Shirtless. Those innocent bags of sand sure suffer a lot, he must be very strong. Even though Barnes was wearing long sleeves at all times I had noticed he was quite muscular and seeing him shirtless for the first time just confirmed my suspicions. Especially in the past few days I had started to admit to myself that he was actually kind of nice to look at and now... but I still didn't like him and I didn't want to train when he was here... since I prefer training in leggings and a sports bra which showed a lot of my scars I preferred to train alone or with people I already trust a lot, like Steve, Nat or Wanda so I decided to leave before he could notice I was even there. When I tried walking out of the gym I quickly turned my head for a second to catch another glimpse of Barnes' muscular statue I tripped and fell. He stopped. Oh great, he heard me. He turned around and as soon as he saw me he smirked knowingly. „Did you enjoy the show, Doll?" „Show? More like a horror movie you old man" I said as confident as I could but I still felt myself blushing a bit. „You know, Y/N, in case you haven't noticed..." he pointed at the mirrors at the wall. Fuck. „... there are mirrors all around this room. So I saw you." He kept smirking at me as if he thought he had won. He'll see... „In your dreams Barnes!" I said and left. God do I hope my plan for later works out.

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