Chapter 8: Good Morning

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TW: Torture, abuse

„ You know, if you'd just do as I tell you to, this all wouldn't be necessary. You're way to pretty to deserve those little scars."

I was sitting strapped to a chair. The man reached out with his hand and went on to stroke my cheeks, my neck... I tried to shake his hand off.

„Dear, you know that won't help you. Now play along!"

Suddenly he tried sticking his hands between my knees which I was pressing together tightly.

„Dammit you bitch then we'll have to do it the hard way!"

He pulled his hands pack and grabbed a remote. I felt even more panic. He turned it up and I felt electricity running through my body. I tried to scream, but with the piece of fabric stuck in my mouth I couldn't. While the electricity was flowing through my body I tensed up. Suddenly he turned it off and I was loosening up a little, but apparently not enough. I wanted to use my powers to push him away, but I was too weal and they somehow didn't work.

„You really do want to learn the hard way, don't you?" He turned it up and increased the power. Eventually he turned it up even more. I was in so much pain and started feeling tears in my eyes. My whole body was clenched together. And then it stopped. I had no more energy to resist, so when he turned it off my whole body loosened up and he took his chance and pushed his hands between my legs. I tried to kick them away, but I wasn't strong enough anymore. Then he pulled down my pants. And opened the zipper of his.

‚„You're mine now!"

„Y/N! Wake up! Please!" When I slowly started waking up, I felt tears on my cheeks, my tears. Someone was cupping my face, but I was scared and tried to pull away before opening my eyes.
„Shh, it's just me. I'm here Y/N. You're safe." Bucky. I slightly opened my eyes and noticed that I was still crying. Bucky tried to wipe the tears away, but they just kept coming. I sat up and started stammering „I.. it.. it f-felt so... real...". „Hey, you're safe here, ok? Come here." he wrapped his arms around me and kept me in his warm embrace. Eventually I stopped crying. As I stopped crying, I noticed how good he was smelling and it made me feel even more safe in his strong arms. After a while Bucky said softly: „You should try to get some more rest". As he let me go and got up, I suddenly felt empty and scared again, but I didn't say anything. Just a faint „Thank you. And... I'm sorry". „No worries, princess. We all have nightmares sometimes. No try to get some more sleep." He smiled at me softly. The way he called me princess... I liked that. But still, as soon as he left and closed the door, I felt alone and scared. I tossed and turned and tried to sleep for at least half an hour, but every time I closed my eyes I saw the face of the man who had raped me in my dream. It felt so real again. I don't know what's going with me and my nightmares... I tried and tried but I just couldn't fall back to sleep. I decided to get up and peak into Bucky's room, maybe I could sneak into his room and sleep on his couch or on the floor. That way I at least wouldn't be alone.
As I entered the room I saw Bucky was just getting up, but he heard the door and looked at me. „Are you ok?" „Yes..." I sighed. „That was a lie. I'm not. I'm scared and I can't sleep because every time I close my eyes I..." I tears pooling in my eyes again.„You see their face?" I nodded. Bucky raised his arm and blanket inviting me to join him. „I..." I hesitated. „Come on. No funny business, I promise" „Ok" I said and crawled in his bed, careful to leave some space between the two of us, I immediately felt a bit safer, but not enough to make calm enough to go back to my room to sleep. Bucky must have heard me still breathing nervously because all of a sudden he moved closer and wrapped his arms around me. „Shhh, you're safe here, don't worry." he said and it really calmed me down. I had to admit: Being in his arms did make me feel as safe as I haven't felt in a long time. My breathing and my heartbeat immediately slowed down. „That's better, isn't it?" Bucky whispered. „Yes. Thank you. Can I stay for just a little while? I'll go back in a few minutes when I've calmed down enough" „You can stay here for as long as you want to, princess." I smiled. I liked when he called me that. I took a deep breath in through my nose fully soaking in the smell of Bucky's room: The smell of safety. „Where were you going when I came in?" I whispered. „I wanted to go check on you again. You were so shaken up by your dream... I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I know how real nightmares can feel" I smiled. Never have I ever felt that safe in someones arms. And even though that wasn't the plan, I eventually fell asleep in them.

When I woke up the next morning, the room was empty. I was kind of hoping Bucky would still be here when I woke up, but he wasn't. That was probably for the better. I mean...we still hated each other...right?
I went back to my room, grabbed a hoodie I had stolen from Steve's closet a few day ago (I have never seen him wear it, I'm sure he won't miss it) and went to the kitchen where the smell of eggs, bacon and waffles hit me. Cooking was none other than... Bucky? I didn't know he could cook! „Morning Bucky" „Good Morning Y/N!" Didn't you see the note I wanted to surprise... Oh, wearing my clothes already Doll, hm?" As he had turned around while speaking he had noticed the Hoodie I was wearing and apparently mistook it for one of his. „First if all: That's Steve's. I just stole it from his room the other day. Second of all: Surprise? And what note?" „I left a note for you in the bathroom on which it said that you shouldn't come here before 7:30 a.m.. I wanted to be done with cooking before you arrive, so that I could surprise you with a warm breakfast. Also: That hoodie was in Steve's room so that he could help me get rid of a stain, it's mine. Looks like the stain is gone though!" „Do you want to have it back?" „No" He said and then he concentrated on making waffles again. He mumbled something like „But I might some day have to take it off of you" but I pretended I didn't hear. Was he implying that...? No! We hate each other! Right?
When he was done cooking, we sat down across from each other and started eating in silence. Sometime we both accidentally looked up at the same time. The first two times we both awkwardly looked back down at our plate, the third time Bucky just started smiling and we kept looking each other. Until I heard „Good Morning lovebirds!" from behind me. Sam was leaning in the door way looking at us eat. „Who are you talking to? And how long have you been standing there?" I said, pretending I didn't know what he was talking about. „I've been standing here for a good five minutes, but it seems like you guys didn't even notice me! I was like air to you!!" He then looked at the kitchen. „You do plan on cleaning that up, right? Your mess, you're cleanin'!" „Relax, I'll clean it up when we're done" Bucky said. „I'll help." I said. „You know you don't have to Y/N." „But I want to!" Bucky sighed. „Ok, alrighty. Sam are you planning on staying there in the doorway?" „Maybe!" „Ok." And he actually did, but we were almost done eating anyway.
When we started doing the dishes, I had the perfect idea. *CLICK* „What was that?" Bucky asked without turning around. „Nothing" I said and tried to sound as innocent as possible. I looked at Sam, who was trying really hard not to laugh. *CLICK* „Y/N? What are you doing?" „Nothing, I promise!" I held my hands up in defense and smiled. I noticed Sam was barely able to hold back his laughter. *CLICK* This time Bucky turned around quickly enough to notice what I was doing. Sam and I bursted out laughing. „Fridge magnets? Really? Very funny!" first Bucky rolled his eyes, but then he started laughing as well. For revenge he splashed some water at me and Sam. I haven't had such a good morning in a really long time.

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