Chapter 28--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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                            's me.....again. Yup, you should all be so proud--TWO uploads in ONE day!! Haha, what's up with that, huh?? Well, hopefully I'll be on a little bit more because I'm almost done writing the rest of the story. I'm about 5 chapters away from the end and typing up chapter 33 right now. I don't want to post a zillion chapters right now and then tell you to read 5 of them at once so I probably won't upload anymore today, but maybe Friday or something, okay?? Tell me what you think!!

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Chapter 28  

   The weeks after the snowstorm led up to Christmas break. My mother grounded me for going out in the storm, but her idea of grounding has always been saying, “Bad girl,” and taking my cell phone away. Other than the fact that it was annoying, it wasn’t so bad.

     Cassie and I took our annual Christmas picture together in front of the house while it was snowing. All the people back in Layton would get a kick out of it for sure.

     Dad’s Christmas bonus was enough that he thought he could get a head start on fixing up the house, so I lost a lot of sleep listening to his power-drills and electric saws. Personally, I didn’t think he was the best fixer-upper, but he didn’t seem to notice. After he tore apart our whole living room, renovating the floors, we had to clean like crazy so our Christmas decorations would be up in time. I hung a wreath on the front door, but it blew over and got covered in four feet of snow.

     Using that old pay phone after school each day, I called Mrs. O’Connor to see if anyone had found Bryce yet. He was still missing. I also called just to generally check up on her. One time Mr. O’Connor had answered and I’d asked him how his wife was. He told me, “In all honesty, Samantha, she’s not doing so well.” It broke my heart.

     A few weeks before, I’d confessed to Derek about Bryce being missing so I didn’t have to lie to him every time he asked me who I was calling. He never had too much to say about it; he always just waited for me to finish talking before he took me home from school in his truck.

     Derek became a regular guest in our house, coming over almost every night to study, watch movies, or play games with the family. Unlike Brandon, my parents had no reluctance to let Derek come over. Before Brandon got ill, his parents were always arrogant, and as my mom put it, “uppity.” Derek’s family was much more easy-going and go-with-the-flow, which seemed to make my mom more comfy. My dad was just my dad and automatically suspected that Derek and I had something going on that we were hiding. It was funny watching Derek try to make a good impression, but continually getting shot down. Cassie didn’t seem to hate him, which was the closest thing to ‘liking’ anything that the girl was ever going to get.

     On the last day before Christmas break I finally got my phone back. It was one of those days at school where the teachers had no control and finally just let the students sit wherever they wanted. Derek, Louie, Charity, and I spent most of the day talking. I wound up having to explain to them why I’d run out of school on that day Louie brought up Brandon. Charity spent most of the day asking too many questions about our old relationship and acting fascinated over the fact that I stayed with Brandon even when he had cancer.

     “So you went out with his brother before you went out with him?!” She sounded appalled.

     “Only for a month or two.”

     “And then you broke up with him for Brandon?”

     “No. I just broke up with his brother because he didn’t have anything in common with me, but Brandon and I stayed friends.”

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