Chapter 6--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Hey guys, I told a lot of people that I might actually get this up tonight. Technically it's the morning now, so sorry, but oh well. Anyways I got a few new fans lately and I appreciate you guys sooo much (you probably know who you are):D You just have no idea. Sorry this one is kinda short, it's the best I could do for two in the morning. I'm gonna get to work on the next one now!! At least I'll try. Next chapter will be up tomorrow, if you want me to tell you when it's up, let me know.



p.s. to the right is a picture that i found of michigan. thats how much snow they get. those two little heads poking out of the snow--those are deer. scary?? Yeah. You can find the same image if you google "michigan winter"

Chapter 6-Confessions To A Boy

"Derek?" I asked into the darkness.


I relaxed my grip on the tree that I was holding, jolting backwards in shock. I felt myself gasp for air in relief. "God, you scared me." The words came out hoarse. My mouth was dry, I was cold, and my lips were chapped. I licked my lips and they stung at the moisture. "What the hell are you doing out here?" I asked quietly and saw a trace of my breath still in the air.

"Looking for you." He said it seriously like he was upset at me. "What were you thinking? There's wild animals all over out here and it's like four degrees outside at night and-"

"I'm sorry." I stood straight up and started walking in a random direction which happened to be away from him. Okay so maybe it wasn't that random. Maybe I didn't want Derek to be the one to rescue me. Derek was trying to steal me away from Brandon and I could not, would not, let that happen. In all reality, it was partially Derek's fault that I was even stranded in the godforsaken forest in the first place. He had asked me to go to the snowmobile dance. He was the one who flirted with me, I mean what is it called when you give a girl you're jacket in eighteen-degree weather? It's not chivalry, because that died a long time ago. And then walking me to school? Was this all just a conspiracy? Maybe Louie was helping him.

I realized how ridiculous I sounded. Well, not technically sounded, but my thoughts were pretty demented. Was I going crazy without Brandon?

"Where are you going, Sam! It's dangerous out here." I kept walking. "God, would you just turn around and let me take you home?" His voice was agitated, but worried, like he knew that something was wrong with me.

And then I turned around.

"Would you just take me home, then?" I was half-yelling. I wasn't sure why I felt so angry, but the emotions that I'd been feeling for the last few months were finally coming back out. I wished that I wasn't taking it out on the only kinda-sorta friend that I had in this stupid hick town. He looked surprised and hurt by my yelling at him. "I just want to go home." I whispered, half hoping that he couldn't hear me.

Derek shrugged out of his jacket once again and handed it to me. "You're going to need this." He said. "It's a long way back."

"Why were you out there?" Derek asked me quietly after we'd been silent for almost ten minutes.

"I don't know." I lied. What was I supposed to do, tell him that I went out in the freezing cold and windy night to go find a tree? I could just picture it: 'Well, you see, there was this tree and I thought that I had a lot in common with it so I went to go and find it so all my problems would magically disappear.' That was the reason I went, right?

"I'm not going to tell anyone, if that's what you think."

"You'll still laugh at me." I told him because I knew it was true.

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