Chapter 18--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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A teeny short, but, hey, I'm not a miracle worker here. Youll just have to deal with it.

Ahahah. I'm starting to wonder if I'm bipolar. lolz. one minute im happy the next im not..... i have issues, so nevermind me.... :P

I hopes yas likes this chapter!!! I <3'd writing it, it's the exact scene i've always kind of wanted to do, you know?? Its pretty close to my kind of movie-scene. im gunna put a nice song up with it, so stay tuned to your local radio station.... lol, not really on a radio station. itll actually be located on your right hand side. For those of you who dont know your left from your right, well, i wish you luck because that sounds like a personal problem :D Have fun with that!!...

Smile, take a deep breath, read, comment, vote, fan, but, ENJOYYYYYYYYY it already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Chapter 18-The Young and the Fearful

Burnt steak, lemony pasta, and frozen vegetables past the eat-by date was what we got stuck with for supper. Personally, I wasn't a big fan. They should just knock it off and make pizza its own food group already.

My whole family stared at me while I stared at my over-lemoned noodles. I

couldn't eat or I thought I might be sick. All I could think about was Bryce.

Seven of the guys said they didn't talk to him anymore. Three said they didn't want

anything to do with him. Two said he was acting strange lately. And his best friend, who

he always hung out with told me that Bryce had gone over to the dark side.

I rolled my undercooked frozen peas around on my plate and sighed. Cassie stared at me from under her mask of blond hair. My dad glanced at my mom and my mom glanced at my dad. Nobody said anything and it was about the most awkward awkward-silence of my whole entire life.

"What?!" I half-yelled. "Is there nothing else to look at?" My mom's eyes flashed to me angrily.

"Samantha Mildred Thomas, excuse your tone!"

"No. You people stare at me like a fish in some damn bowl." That was about the first time I ever directly cussed at my mom to her face. Her face got angrier and dad's face turned red like an overripe tomato. "Excuse me." I said angrily, and pushed my chair in. Before anyone said a word I was on the front porch looking up at the stars.

"Are you up there, Brandon, because I need you." The stars didn't say anything back. They never did. Neither did his picture. And now, neither did his brother. I was starting to doubt my old life. I used to be the princess in the castle eating caviar with every other girl in the universe jealous of me. Now I was the prisoner in the dungeon locked away. Nobody cared anymore.

That night was the first night I ever doubted Brandon in my life.

"If you loved me," I asked him in a whisper, "Then why did you leave me?" I was surprised that this time there wasn't a tear, I just felt nothing. "I know I'm not that perfect, Brandon, even though you always said I was. I'm not pretty. I never did anything to deserve you. And let's face it, when I PMS I turn into a crazy bitch from hell. But.... I thought you'd stick around anyways.... Just because... you loved me. But maybe I was wrong." I wasn't sure what the hell I was talking about. Really, I was just making my life so much worse. "You're not up there." I whispered. "You aren't much of anywhere, Brandon. You're just gone."

"Don't talk shit like that." I swung around to see Cassie watching me intently from the other end of the porch.

"What are you doing out here?" I wondered blankly.

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