Chapter 16--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Almost to 50 fans!! Ahhh! Ill be so happy when that happens that ill just randomly spazz out!!! xD

So how are you guys today?? I'm okayish..... I saw a kitty get run over and that really sucked, so i wrote to escape from the memory. It was just really sad. Besides that my day was good, but you probably don't care.

I know you've been waiting for this chapter. I'm sorry if you guys think I'm going way too slow with their "relationship" or whatever, but dude, her boyfriend died, I wouldnt jump in the sack right away either.... so anywho tell me whatcha think!!! I love comments. They make my day like a billion times betta!! Well, it's startin to get late so imma just spread the word that this chappy is up and ill read all ur gloriously succulant comments tomorrow, which means that youll leave me em', right??!

p.s. all this is in dereks pov.....



Chapter 16-W.W.C.D.

Just like I thought, we were back at my house at six o'clock. Well, actually, it was six-oh-seven, but that's not the point. And if you want to get technical, my watch was four and a half minutes ahead which meant it was actually six-oh-two-and-thirty-seconds-o'clock. Geez, it's not that big of a deal. I was right. It was somewhere close to six .

When I got almost to my driveway I felt oddly depressed-like. I didn't want the day to be over. I didn't want Sam to leave. It was only Saturday and I wouldn't see her until Monday and that was at school. The teachers got pissed if you talked to people during school so that sent that idea into a hole. Besides that, we only had school on Monday and Tuesday because of Thanksgiving vacation.

Once we were by the end of my driveway, I stopped. "I suppose I should walk you home now, huh?" I said, not really asked.

"That's okay." Sam said.

"Well, I'm not going to make you walk a quarter-mile by yourself."

"Thanks for that, but that's not what I meant." She breathed a laugh. "I was thinking more along the lines of sticking around here for a while, if that's okay."

I ran my hand through my hair. She wanted to "stick around for a while." With me. At my house. 'Okay, man. Act smooth.' I told myself in my head. 'W.W.C.D.? What would Clooney do?'

"H-Here?" I asked, accidentally stuttering. What was wrong with me? George Clooney would not be doing that.

"That's kind of what I meant." Sam said. "Unless you want to build a snowman at the end of your driveway...."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked seriously, "Is that what you wanted to do?" Sam gave me a doubtful glance. She almost looked.... Worried. She finally just shook her head with a smile.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I got over snowmen when I needed more than one hand to show people how old I was."

"Right..." I said, trying to think of something else to say. It's not like I didn't have experience with girls. I'd had girlfriends before. Why was I all of a sudden losing it now? Geez, I was smoother when I was eight.

"Well I guess it was rude to just invite myself so just-"

"No. That's okay." Then I remembered an important detail. "But I'll have to do my chores so-"

"What kind of chores?" Sam asked me.

I cocked my head to the side wondering if Sam knew what she was getting herself into. "Chores." I said dumbly. "In the barn..."

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