Chapter 9--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Sorry you've been waiting for like 22 hours. My cousin's over. YAY!! :D

Unluckly for you guys, my writing might be a little slow. I have a headache. Grrr.....

Not in a great mood, either.

But, hey, we all have those days. I'm just glad to be back home sleeping in my own bed. :)

I missed my mommy lol.

Anyways, hope you guys like it-- fan, vote, comment, but ENJOY!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 9--Worse On The Inside

I was still angry at myself during geometry for letting myself agree to go to the snowmobile dance with Derek. I felt like a cheater. Brandon was probably watching me with anger and wishing that I was going to die slowly and go to hell.

In other words, I felt horrible and idiotic and depressed on so many levels that it wasn't funny. But somewhere in the way back of my mind, so far back that I could barely find it, I was looking forward to going to the dance.

Thoughts were racing through my mind about everything. What were you supposed to wear to a snowmobile dance anyways? Did you actually dance? Or did you just snowmobile? I didn't even have gear for snowmobiling. Where could you buy it? Was this a big deal, or did it mean next to nothing to Derek? And what if we actually danced together...then what?

Brandon would've been able to tell me what to do.

I didn't even know what a snowmobile dance was exactly. And I knew that before the cancer, Brandon had gone snowmobiling in Canada with Bryce and a couple other guys that I knew. Wait-Bryce! I had to call Bryce. I had to figure out what I was going to do before Friday. Today was Tuesday.

At least now I had a plan. School was only for six more hours, since geometry was basically over. I bit my lip, annoyed at the teacher for not teaching fast enough. Everything was basically straight forward.

For the rest of the day I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to anything. I just wanted to go home and call Bryce. It wasn't only just because I needed to ask for advice, but also I owed it to him. I left him on his porch when I'd left for Michigan. I figured that he might even be mad at me, why else wouldn't he have called.

In science we switched our groups. Charity was still in mine and Allan, Jackson, and Devin were switched out for Louie Bernard, Michael Bloww, and Zane Hemels. Then Amanda was switched out for Klara Kemple. It wasn't a horrible group, either. Charity was pretty awesome. She had dirt blond hair that was wildly wavy, freckles, and glasses that covered her hazel eyes. I wouldn't say that she was exactly very pretty, but she was more well-liked than a lot of people in the school. As far as I could tell she was really nice so I decided that I'd sit with her at lunch from now on.

Klara was another story. She was.... Interesting. All she did all of biology was flirt with Louie. It was obvious that she had a thing for him, but he wasn't interested at all. Whenever she'd flirt, he'd look completely lost like he was trying to find a way to let her down easy. I actually felt bad for him.

And all Zane and Michael did was goof off. I have to admit, they were kind of funny, but it was all wasted because the whole time all they were trying to do was impress Charity and me.

I was unimpressed.

At the end of class nothing was accomplished on the question sheet that came with the book. All the information about fetuses had gone right over our heads. So I added the biology book to my pile of homework and sighed into my locker.

"Hey city girl!" I heard someone yell at me from behind. It was Louie.

"What?" I sounded a little cranky.

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