Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops-Chapter 22

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Hey everybody, guess who's finally back?? Moi! Sorry I've taken soooo long to get back to you all on this, but life's been like a roller coaster with drama and school and extra cirriculars...don't even get me started... So--finally--here is chapter 22, which should be closely followed by chapter 23. Thank you to fans!! I love you!!!!!!

Chapter 22--Maybe Charity Was Right..?

     Once Derek took the wheel he maneuvered us through the snowy roads to the movie theater. Snow was falling down softly to the ground and it was a wonder to me how little teeny slow flakes could be such a pain in my ass.

     Just after we passed a sign that said there was only five more miles to the city a deer appeared sticking its face out of some pine trees. For a few seconds I continued to stare at the deer before I looked over at Derek. He was already watching me with an amused smile on his face.

     "What?" I asked.


     "No, there's something."

     Derek smiled a little. "You just seem happier. That's all."

     For the rest of the ride to the theater I thought about what Derek had said. Was I happier? Some of the things that boy told me made me contemplate who I really am and maybe that's why I trusted him so much. It seemed like he knew me more than I knew myself. Maybe he did, too, because once I thought about it, he was right. I was happier lately. Waking up didn't cause me physical pain and I didn't cry every night before I fell asleep anymore. I was turning into a new version of my old self-which was a good thing.

     I smiled to myself before I got out of the car. We were finally at the movie theater after the long, boring, and aggravatingly snowy ride there.

     Shutting the door behind myself I walked around to the other side of the car where Derek was holding up for me. Charity and Louie were practically glued to each other, already half way to the door.

     I frowned at their happiness. Five months ago that would've been Brandon and me. My frown got bigger just thinking about it.

     I looked up at Derek to see what the waiting was for. He met my gaze with a smirk on his face. "C'mon, smiley. Let's go." I couldn't help but smile and laugh. Derek was just so funny. He always knew what to say to make me feel better. Stepping off on my left foot, Derek followed closely behind.

     Neither one of us really said anything on the walk into the movie theater. Derek got just about the worst parking spot I'd ever seen and it took forever to walk all the way to the door. Not to mention it was awkward.

     By the time we were finally at the door Louie and Charity were already buying tickets. I heard Louie say, "Four tickets to 'The Hottie and the Nottie'" when I mentally slapped myself in the face. I was not going to watch that movie. No way.

     "I'm gonna shoot myself." I mumbled under my breath. Nobody was meant to hear it, but Derek did.

     "Usually I'd tell you that suicide is not the answer," Derek said, "but in this case, could you please shoot me first?" I laughed and elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow." He said.

     I elbowed him again before he nudged me back. "Hey!" I laughed and tried shoving him unsuccessfully. He doubled back and poked me on the side. He was really starting to push his limits.

     "You don't want to mess with this, Derek."

     His eyebrow raised. "I don't?"


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