🎨art club🎨 (chapter seven)

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°Patryk's pov°

The bell rings, finally!! thought i was going to die there, one moment later i'd probably whould have turned into a history book.

Walking outside i see Paul getting out of his classroom, ahh shit i didnt know we had classes next to eachother, i have to make it up to him, looking at Paul i sigh and then our eyes lock. He quickly looked away and goes to his next class, he was a bit red, was that blus?
Honestly i don't know probably migh be my brain fooling me.

Now what's the next thing on this that i have to to do? Oh right i have to beg Edd for a portrait of Paul, damn that's going to be difficult, Edd always asks rediculous sums of money for a portrait, i mean he doesn't but if you're a friend he'll make the price more just to shit with you.

Fukkkk, well i have no  choice while we still have time i should go to class and then after classes when the clubs start all ask him, please say yes Eddddddd.

•after classes•

The bell rings for the final time today, well time for practice and time for asking Edd about this.

i grabb my backpack and hed out of the classroom, wierd thing tho i felt like someone waste watching me.

I shrugged it off and thought that it was only in my mind, i walked into the hallway and still fell this way, hmmmm that's suspicious. I pay no mind and walk to the entrance of the art club.

Feeling a bit shy, i slowly open the handle to the room and immediately my eyes were shocked with the bright green walls of the room and the colorful paintings hanging on  it, i had never seen the room like this before since the renovation a couple of months ago and it was nice.

I wabble into the room, luckily the teacher wasn't there so i could bargain all i want wit Edd. Looking at the version students that were preparing for their club, he quickly spots Edd with a gray cat aipren, i went and said hey to him.

"Hey Eddie my man" waving frantically in his face

"Uh...." He needed a few seconds to see what's going on "Oh Pat its you" he said with a monotone voice

"Sure is" i smile trying to be polite

"Look if it's something for Paul i ain't helping" Edd said and turned back to what he was doing

"But please Eddy, Eddie, my man, my champ, Edd, Edd maister, Egg" i pleaded

"Don't call me Egg" he said harshly "and also what am i supposed to do about your guys failing relationships huh?" He shrugged his shoulders and said angrily

"Well i was thinking..... You could draw Paul for meeee" i smile  sheepishly trying to do my best puppy dog impression.

"No" was heard from Edd who was no ready to paint.

"But please!! I-i have this whole plan planed out and-and were gonna go to prom together if this works out, please!!!! I begged

"Heh that's gay" a small chuckle was heard from him

"Not as much as you and Tord" i say angerly "Oh look at my art of you Tord, is it good" i make a sqeeke noise to resemble Edd "Oh yes Edd that looks so good we should make out" i tried to make Tords voice deeper, "mhmhm Tord" i mockingly tried to make a makeout session between them.

To that Edd stopped me "STOP" "okey fine all help but don't you dare tell Tord that i like him" he agreed to help me yay :D

"Well i have to go to practice now dear buddy, old pall" i joyfully walk bag in hand out of the art club, waving to the now grumpy Edd. Hahahsah the best form of friendship blackmail :D

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