🎂Cake fail🎂 (chapter nine)

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Dear diary

Ahhh it happened, he excepted my friendship again, were on good terms now, he's not ignoring me or running away from me anymore i feel so happy i could just kiss him, platonically of course. But all still make a cake and wait for the portrait to be finished by Edd, so i can give it to him, i mean its nice to spoil your friend right? But i just can't shake off this feeling that i am kinda sad because we didn't discuss anything about what we did. I honestly wish we could talk about it, because in true honesty i think that night was amazing, even though i don't recall anything.  I hope he goes to prom with me. Well i have to go now diary, don't want to be late for Edd since he drew a portrait of Paul in such short notice.


°Patrky's pov°

I stand up form my bed feeling woosy, damn you iren deficiency. Waiting a few seconds for the effects to dry off, i walked out of my room heading towards the kitchen.

Well i am here now. What am i going to do? I scratch my head looking at the kitchen sink.

In all of my seventeen years of life i have never beaked a cake before, scratch that i have never baked anything before.

Wait a second all just ask my friends that would be a great idea, well atleast i think so, hope they don't give me a recepy for weed brownies.

I pull out my phone and texted the group chat praying that Paul wasn't active, i mean the guy forgets he has a phone sometimes, like hed just leave it where ever and take a nap damn you Paul making me make a cake for you.

~Skidaly skudaly your dick is turned into a noodlie~


🎈Red leader🎈- all probably burn the kitchen down if i tried lol

🍑Art hoe🍑- hrhehhehe

Emo 🖤- tf you need a cake recepy for?

Emo🖤- just google it jeez

✨I love myself✨- Guys we should help him, all send you something Pat don't worry.

Me:  guys stop joking and thanks Matt :))

✨I love myself✨- Np

💙Tam the bitch💙- SIMPPP

🍳Cola is my cocaine🍳- bahahahha ngl you really want a cooking recipe from Matt 😂

✨I love myself✨- HAYYY ELL

Me: i really am in a hurry so i don't really care

🍳Cola is my cocaine- k but you'll see ╮(─▽─)╭

I quickly look at the repliesr and the recepie Matt sent me, it was ferly simple but j guess it's better then nothing.

•  3 wheat
•  1 egg
•  2 sugar
• and 3 buckets of milk

Wow these ingredients are wierd but hey a recipe is a recipe.

I quickly find what i need but i had to change the buckets with cartons of milk. I put the ingredients in a bowl and i try and mix them, nothing's happening, shit, its now a sticky gue that's not the good kind.

I open my phone and got to the chat

Me: guys it didn't work, what recipe did you give me Matt?

✨i love myself✨- it was a Minecraft recipe how didn't it work?

💙Tam the bitch💙- bahahshahahshhshahahsh am die

🍳Cola is my cocaine🍳- Omg told you so😂

⭐Bushy eyebrows⭐- guys stop making fun of him, hell just make another cake, Want a little help Pat?

Oh shit Pauls online, shit shit fuck. I quickly blush while reading his message

Me: no need

Me: well gtg clean this mess

✨i love myself✨- sry :((

Me: its nothing Matt don't be worried

✨i love myself✨- :))

i get off my phone only to see my mom staring at the mess, well shit i am going to die.

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