🔍Frendly following🔍 (chapter eight)

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°Paul's pov°

I walk out of class thinking about Pat, i wish i wasn't such a coward, i wish i could tell him that i like him but i can't and now i can't even talk to him because am to embarrassed to talk to him.

Stepping out of my class i see Pat, oh shit he was in the nextdoor classroom ahhhhh, and then we locked eyes, my heart did little flips in my chest, dudeee and now i was blushing shit, i immediately look away from him hoping he did notice eny blush.

Walking to the locker room i noticed that Patryk wasn't going there, interesting. Where would he go? Both of us have soccer practice now, and we would usually go together, but maybe he's to awkward like me so he takes the longer route, no that can't be, all just do some friendly following. Its not stalking of course.

So i run a bit faster in the opposite direction to catch up to Pat. And then i see him walk into the art club, whats he doing there?

i get close to the door and peak trough the mesh window of it. I see him dramaticly talk to Edd, why is he with Edd? Does he like him now? No you can't be jealous, you're straight right?

And then i see him hug Edd. Oh Edds dead, wait why do i wanna kill Edd all of a sudden? I don't like Pat do i? As a friend? As...? Oh shit Pats going towards the door i gotta skidadle.

I run and hide in the corner of the hallway, that was a close call. I see him happily leave the classroom, why was he so happy :(

I walk back to the locker room to get my stuff and start soccer practice. I walk in the room and i see most of the boys in our team and Pat awkwardly looking at me, damn i have to speak to him.

•after practice•

°still Paul's pov°

Walking out of school I see someone running towards me, and then i see him, it was Pat running after me why?

I still walk pretending that i didn't notice him, tho after a few seconds i feel something grab my hand and pull it, it was Patryk.

Quickly letting go he said "Hah... ahh sorry" he rubbed his neck, kinda cute "Uhh... Well did you get my note?" he asked me and i answered "uh yeh, we can still be friends if it isn't awkward for you of course" i tell him looking into his eyes and quickly look away.

"Uhh... Cool" he says smiling at me, he has a nice smile i can't lie, "Soooo can we walk home together" oh shit were really gonna act like nothing happened between us at the party, that's sad. "Yes" i say quickly heading towards the exit "cool" he chirps in and we went on our marry way.

It was like a dream, we joked, we laughed, and over all we had a good time till i had to go home, damn it, damn my family for having a house closer to the school then Pat.

"Well this is my stop bye Pat" i say goodbye to Pat and he just smiles and waves "Goodnight Pauly~" wait what did he say??! We both immediately blush and he fixes his mistake "I- i mean Paul, g-goodnight Paul" he quickly ran away from me.

I was still red of course but atleast i have my friend back and i wouldn't change anything about that.

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