⚫Anxiousness⚫ (chapter eleven)

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°Patryks pov°
The cakes done, i put it in the freezer for the next day, damn its just so tempting i just wanna eat the cake but i cant because its Pauls and i made it for him and i should atleast have some self control.

I look at my mom and she tells me that she has to go do her work, waving at me she walks up stairs, while i sit there thinking about what's going to happen when i ask Paul out?

Oh... Right Paul he has to know where we should meet up...

But where??
Not at school of course because people will think i am stupid for bringing a cake to school and also they would want a slice of course, but are not gonna get nun hun.

Well should i ask him tomorrow? Its going to be a Saturday so maybe then? At the bleachers would be nice, its always a beautiful place where couples hang out and watch the sunset but were not a couple were just friends...

Well who cares i almost lost him and i dont care if we get teased for that i mean for god sake over here Tords showing his hentai collection to Edd and nobody gives a shit why should they about us?

That settles it i am going to ask him and give him his gift and cake. All ask him out to prom and if he says no then so be it, atleast its not like he'll not be my friend anymore if he rejects me right, i hope so?

Well i have to text him.

Me: hay Paulllllll i want to give you something meet me at the bleachers tomorrow at 6 before the sun goes down.

✨T H I C K✨- bruh why you need me at the bleachers for

Me: to bleach you duh.
Me: Dumbass its a surprise

✨T H I C K✨- fineee i wont bother jeez also i wanna know what you got me :D

✨T H I C K✨- is it cool??

Me: yapppp it's definitely cooooll heh

Me: well gtg i have to do something

I get off my phone putting it in my pocket not even waiting for a reply from Paul because all fangirl over it, and i dont have enough energy for that.

I go upstairs in my room getting the things i need for the gift. Edd made this really gorgeous small painting of Paul, it captured every beauty, imperfection, and flaw the teen had, and i loved it. I wish i could draw like Edd, if i was Edd i would be drawing Paul all the time he's just so handsome and cute. I get a little box and put the painting in it, surprisingly it fits. Wrapping it up with red wrapping paper and as for a final touch i added a little white bow with gold ribbons ahhh perfect.

I put the gift in my drawer and start to prepare for bed because all that cake making made me qait tired.

Putting on my pajamas i think about Paul and his reaction to this, will he like it? Will he hate it? Will he hate me? All of these thoughts went trough my head and finally i closed my eyes and it all went to dark. Going into deep sleep probably dreaming about Paul not in a gay way tho.

•the next day•

Ah shit as jeezz today is the day i am anxious fukkkk

First thing i do is grab my diary and write about today

Today is the day diary i am going to ask him. All write to you about how it went. I hope he doesn't hate me, i just want him to like me so yeh well have to get ready now

I get up get dressed and i feel really anxious like really anxious i feel like my legs are noodles heh reminds me i haven't eaten anything i have to eat.

I get up and went to the kitchen. I see no one there both my mom and dad probably have morning shifts on  Saturdays, sad for them lol. I get cereal and milk and just try to calm down.

I did my chores and try to do my homework to pass the time and finally it was 5:30, i text Paul again just to check if he was busy he told me no, soo omg this is actually happening and i can't ahhh.

I get his gift and i take the cake from the freezer, trying my hardest not to drop it, leaving it on the kitchen counter.

I get dressed decently and tie my shoes, going out of the door quickly almost forgetting the cake shit.

And after a few minutes of running, i finally make it to school and the bleachers, perfect timing, the sun was about to set and it was the perfect mood. Placing the cake on the empty bleacher seats and sitting next to it placing the box on my lap, everything was set up i just had to wait for Paul, and hell that made me really nervous.

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