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Saturday: 7am 

Sera woke up to a smash coming from her kitchen. Warily, she stood up, slipped on her slippers and creeped out of the room. making her way to the kitchen, she grabbed a glass vase and help it above her head to attack the trespasser. She peered around the doorframe of her kitchen and looked in quietly, only to be greeted with a, 'hey Sera, did you miss me?' from a chirpy voice at the counter. 

'What the fuck?' Sera said lowering the vase. 'Why are you here?' 

'Damn Finny, didnt realise you hated me, i thought you'd be happier' She said turning around. 

'Stella i haven't liked you since you got me involved with your friends, should not have been expecting anything more than hatred.' Sera said to her older sister who stood eating her cereal.

'Awwww did poor Finny not like my friends, oh well, they didnt like you anyway and they especially dont like you after you ratted them out.' Stella said placing ther bowl on the counter. 

'Ugh just get out i dont wanna deal with you this early.' she said pointing to the door so that Stella would leave. 

'Jeez sis, anyways id keep a lookout if i were you, i dont think Angela or Jack would like a visit from your old besties would they.' She said exiting the apartment, leaving Sera alone to stand in confusion.

~~two hours later~~

'Hey guys' Sera said walking into the cafe where her friends were sat chatting. Taking a window seat next to booth and Angela, she ordered a cup of tea and a salad.  

'Hey Sera' Ange said taking her friend in for a hug, 'loving the outfit today you suit purple' 

'Thanks Ange, ive had this for ages never thought about pairing them together though. Anyways what are we doing today guys, gotta love a day off.' 

As if on que Brennan ran into the café, a case file in her hand telling the group about something they had missed in a previous case that needed to be sorted. Rising from their seats a chorus of sighs and okays could be heard from the mostly miserable group, apart from Jack who was strangely excited for murder. 

'Oh curly-fries,' Sera said to Jack who was grinning from ear to ear and rapidly telling her bout his new machine that can separate poisonous mushrooms from non-poisonous mushrooms on its own, 'im slightly concerned about how excited you get about murder.'  

'Atleast I don't get scared watching moana cause of the coconut guys' he laughed. 

'shut up it was one time' Sera scowled punching him lightly on the arm. 

'Abuse im being abused!' he called out to the others. 

'can you guys stop we have a murder to solve.' Booth was annoyed. This only made the two burst out laughing, which made Booth shoot them a very dirty look and huff out a sigh. The agressive huff immediately shut them up in fear of Booths authority. 


'so wheres the body guys?' Sera asked scanning onto the platform and running up to Ange, Jack and Zack. 'wassup curly, smartie, cutie' she said to the trio. 

'Ooooo which is which?' Ange laughed at her strange friend. 

'I'm deffo cutie' Jack grinned, winking at Sera. 

'You sure are baby' She whispered back so that no one could hear her but him. His heart fluttered at her words and he stared at her in awe, beauty radiating from her smile. He didn't know or care how long her stared at her, admiring her, wishing he could love her in public. A cough from behind him pulled him back to reality, away from his dream land. Dr Brennan stood behind him with the skull on the tray. 

'Did you hear me Dr Hodgins or do i need to repeat myself?' she said sternly. 


'Run analysis on the particles in the head wound, we deducted that this was the deadly blow so please find traces of the murder weapon and send the materials to Angela to complete a stimulation.' he nods and leaves for his lab with the skull, smiling at Sera before disappearing from view. 

'Hey Ange, do you think its weird how much he looks at me? I could be completely overthinking this and im paranoid af but I think he looks at me more than anyone else.' Sera inquires to her friend who beamed  at the oblivious girl before her. Being the only person (other than Booth) at the jeffersonian who had any clue about relationships, Angela's cupid skills were unmatched, and she had discovered her next mission. 


hey guys, sorry for dissapearing. 

slightly shorter chapter today. 

here ya go lovelies. 


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