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Quickly reloading it, she aimed and shot.

'Booth!' Sera shouted hobbling over to him. 

'I'm fine, one of the first rules of being in the field: always wear a bullter proof vest.' he said opening his shirt and showing her. 

The ambulance arrived and the paramedics rushed in to examine her. As she sat in the back of the ambulance, she watched as Booth and the FBI debriefed the team, she saw their faces light up and could practically hear the unanimous sigh of relief once they discovered she was okay. The paramedic in charge of examining her explained that other that a slight concussion and some cuts and bruises she was okay. Thanking her, Sera stood up pulling the blanket they gave her tight around her body and began to walk over to her friends. 

~~With the team~~

Jack stood talking to another Paramedic, who was in the middle of explaining that Sera was fine but might have to take a few days off, when he saw her limping away from the ambulance and towards him. He watched, not particularly listening to the man, as she greeted all her friends and confirmed she was okay. After a minute she turned around as if looking for someone and begun to smile and turn around when she saw him. 

'I'm sorry dude I'll be back.' He said walking away. 

'No you won't.'

Jogging over to Sera, Jack's head begun to fill with all the possible outcomes of the past few days. 

'Hey.' he said once he reached her. 

'Hey,' she responded 'I've misse-' 

He cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. 

'I missed you too.' He laughed after pulling away. 

'Dude, someone's gonna see us.' Sera said jokingly hitting him on the arm. 

'Oh well, let them.' He pulled her in and kissed her again. She melted into the kiss and started to smile. Slowly, they pulled away for air, smiling like school children. 

'So, I know it's not the ideal setting, but while you were kidnapped, shall we say, I realised just how much I like you and i was genuinely terrified of the thought you might die, so Seraphina Adelaide, will do like to be my girlfriend, officially?' He asked her, Sera's mouth stretched into the widest smile she'd ever done as she nodded furiously. 



Are we having a short chapter today? yes. 

Do i have the energy or the creativity to write a longer one? no. 

Are you guys happy with the way the books going? please tell me i'm worried you hate it :)


429 words 

Saving Her ~Jack Hodgins~Where stories live. Discover now