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~~In the lab~~

'Brennan, Hodgins and Ange can ride with me the rest go with Cam. I'll call a S.W.A.T. team on the way and we'll figure out the plan of action with them' Booth commanded to the team. 

Everyone immediately set out getting things they would need while Booth called the FBI. Once everything was packed up and the S.W.A.T. team was on its way, the team climbed into their cars and drive to the meet up place. 

~~with Sera~~

'as soon as I get out of here,'  Sera thought throwing a dirty look at her sister asleep in the chair. 'im googling new nicknames because somebody cannot appreciate the fact that I want to disassociate with her forever.' 

'i wonder if they'll ever find me? Of course they will you pleb don't be so pessimistic. I'm not I'm just thinking. I'd they dont and my bones get found in a few years maybe they investigate. Ooo I hope so, I'll haunt my bones so then I can watch them do stuff w my bones and see how accurate Ange's facial reconstruction is.'

Suddenly, Sera's thoughts were interrupted by a faint siren, which grew louder and louder, waking up the sleeping guard and Stella. 

'Dont make a sound.' Stella said pointing a gun at Sera's head. 

The sound of safety grew closer and closer, hope rising in Sera's empty stomach, the sirens then passed getting quieter and further away. Her heart sank. Any hope that was there was washed away by the realisation that she would never be found. Stella sighed and slumped back into her chair, dozing of once again with the guard. 

~~With the team~~

'Booth what are you doing that was the trainyard, we just passed it.' Jack said angrily. 

'Yeah I know bug boy but I had the sirens on so they would've heard me. I'm gonna turn them off and u-turn so they think that the cops have gone and won't expect us.' He retaliated.

Once S.W.A.T. and the team were at the entrance to the trainyard, the FBI agent briefed everyone on what to do. Teams were sent to the back and side entrances while  Booth and two other agents took the front. 

'On three, one, two, three--FBI HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM.' All the teams moved in encircling Stella, the guard and Sera. 

'Dont move I'll shoot.' Stella said putting the gun on Sera once more, she whimpered as tears started to fall down her cheeks.

Outside, the team were listening to a radio an agent left for them. 'She has a gun.' A voice described the scene to them before the connection cut off.

'Stella Adelaide, put the gun down and we'll talk,' Booth prompted 'you know how a deal works, you co-operate so do we' 

'I want my friends back.' 

'We can sort something out, just put the gun down.' 

'Agent Booth, if your lieing to me I will shoot you and then her.' 

'Just unload the gun and kick the magazine and gun to me.' He stated. 

Reluctantly, Stella placed the disassembled gun down kicked it to Booth. 

'Thanks, now release Sera and we can work out a deal.'

'i want my friends.' She repeated

'Again we can work something out, release Sera.' 


'I promise.' 

'You, untie her then leave.' Stella instructed the guard. He immediately did so and was arrested by another FBI agent. Sera ran over to Booth and stood slightly behind him. 

'Now come with me to the FBI and we can formally make this deal.' Booth said. 

'Okay, but I want a reduced sentence for me, my friends to come out when I do and I want to be able to see them in a daily basis.' She said slowly inching forward. 

'We can make that happen just lie on the ground with your hands behind your back. We legally have to do this.' 

Stella complied, lieing down on the concrete and rolling onto her stomach. As Booth walked forward, she reached out and grabbed the gun, quickly reloading it she aimed and shot. 

Outside, the team heard the gunshot ring out through the trainyard and then an agent calling for an ambulance.


Heyyyyy, pls don't hate me.

At least I updated lol. 

Hope you enjoyyyy. 


 709 words

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