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~~Sera's apartment~~

Booth had just arrived at Sera's apartment where Jack was, pacing nervously. 

'Jesus, are you okay.' Booth said carefully walking in to the apartment. 

'How can i be okay right now.' Jack commented aggressively 

'Your right, but you gotta calm down and tell me exactly what happened.' Booth said sitting down on the sofa he had just tidied. Jack sighed and sat  down, he sat there for a minute just collecting his thoughts before taking a deep breath and recounting the whole story to Booth.

~~With Sera~~

Sera had been left alone in the room for what felt like hours. She didn't know where or when she was. All she knew was that her sister has hell to pay once she gets out of there. 

'Morning sunshine.' Stella said walking up to Sera. 'How are you doing today?'

'Fuck off Stell. You literally kidnapped me stop tryna be good.' Sera commented. 

'Sorry, well not really anyways we haven't told you why you're here have we?' She asked. 'Well Seraphina, you, snitched on us and landed half of us in prison. You made our friends suffer so now we will make your friends suffer. Sound fair?'

'The level of pettiness is exceptional. Where are we anyway?' Sera promtped hoping to get a reaction. 'A club house? Your place? Someone in your gangs place? Aplace we used to go growing up?' Stella winced slightly as Sera guessed correctly. 

'Ooooooo, a childhood place. Let me guess, the shipyard, no i dont hear water. Our middle school, maybe that shut down. The trainyard Toni took us, that's it. You are way to expressive i love it.' Sera said malice lacing her voice. 

'Shut up. You're not in charge here. I am.' Stella instructed 

'Or what Stell, you were never cruel enough to actually do anything.' She continued. 

'SHUT UP!' Stella yelled. 'Or you won't be able to see you precious little Jack again.'

'Leave him out of this he hasn't done anything to you.' 

'Hmmm that shut you up, so how about we tell little Jack about just who you really are.' Stella said pulling out Sera's phone. 

~~In the lab~~

Hodgins and Booth had called the team into the lab, explaining to them exactly what had happened and they had immediately started to search for Sera. Booth had taken Zach and Brennan to Sera's apartment to look for evidence while Hodgins, Ange and Cam had stayed at the lab and started to look back at Sera's life to see who could have taken the beloved member of their team.

'Erm guys?' Ange said to her boss and friend.

'Yeah? What  is it? Have you found someone? Hodgins asked rushing over to her side. 

'Woah calm down its just a possibility.' She said.

'I know but its better than nothing.' 

Ange nodded sympathetically before showing the pair her computer screen. 

'Around 8 years ago she testified in a court case, prosecuting a gang, lead by, omg.' She put her over her mouth. 

'What Ange?' Cam asked. 

'Lead by Stella Adelaide.' Ange finished. 

'Wait Adelaide as in Seraphina Adelaide?' Jack asked.

'Yeah it's her sister. Half the gang got life but Stella and her close circle got a fine.' She explained. 

'Oh god,' Jack said. 

'What?' Cam and Ange asked in unison.

'Sera's been..... nervous for the past couple weeks. I asked her about it the other day and she said its nothing. Then later when we were talking about our families i asked what hers was like and she got all tense and said they were fine.' He ranted

'Call Booth and let him know. Ange carry on digging into Stella and her gang maybe theres something there.' Cam instructed. 

After telling Booth and Bolnes about their discovery and them agreeing to search for any DNA evidence similar but not identical to Sera's, Jack hung up the phone and began to pace, his stress building up. Not long after, Jack's phone rang. 

'Hello.' he said into the microphone, 'Booth?'

'No, but ill bet you wish it was.' A familiar voice said from the other end. 

'Stella? Where's Sera?' Jack frantically asked. 

'Look Sera, hes looking for you.' Stella sneered.

'Leave him alone!' Sera yelled. 

'Shut up, you.' Stella spat, 'Or you'll never see him again. Jack, can i call you that? I dont care im gonna call you Jack. Your precious little Sera caused me and my friends alot of trouble a few years ago but you already know that don't you? Well, i want my friends back, and until you get my friends back, your not getting your friend back. Or should i say girlfriend.' 

"oh shitt" Jack thought. They hadn't been officially together so they weren't breaking any rules. It was against policy to date a co-worker and the rest of the team (despite their suspicions) believed they just close friends. 

'Im not giving you your friends back but i WILL get Sera back. Don't think i won't.' He snapped and put the phone down. Jack turned around to see his boss and co-worker staring at him in shock. 

"did they hear that? Oh it doesn't matter she's not my girlfriend.........yet" he thought while staring at their wide eyes. 

~~with Sera~~ 

'Have fun in this place, you'll be here for a while if he doesnt comply'' Stella said before walking out the room, leaving Sera alone to silently sob about the fact she'll never her true family again.


hey guys, im alive, barely. 

Anywho im back and its the summer holidays. 

you got me for 6 weeks yay. 

next year don't expect much because i'll be in y11 (and for those people that dont know what that means, its my last year in high school, where we do our GCSE's which are just giant exams that dictate our future).

here ya go tho lovies. 

thats it im done bye. 


966 words 

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