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hey guys this chapter will all over the place. literally, i plan on having about 3 locations with things happening in at the same time. there will be jumps but ill try to make it clear where we are. i actually need to write this now byeee. 


It had been 2 months since Sera and Jack went on their date. 2 months since Booth got shot. 2 months since he had a weird coma dream. We wont get into that though, thats another story. The couple had gone on many dates including but not limited to, a disney movie marathon, making adorably shaped pizzas and reorganised Seras photo collection just to add a load of them two on their date. Despite all this, they had still not made it official. Back to present day though because somethings about to go down. 

~~at Sera's apartment~~

The group moved around the living room, careful as to not break anything. Ironic. The leader of the group turned around facing the other 3. 

'Look guys.' She started. 'We don't touch anything other than what we came to do. So stop wandering around and get on with it shell be back soon.' 

~~outside Sera's apartment building~~

Jack had driven Sera home from work, as they pulled up infront of her building, Sera unbuckled her seatbelt and thanked him for the ride, leaning over to kiss him. 

'Sera, you don't need to thank me, yours is on the way to mine. Although if thats how you thank someone please do it more often.' he chuckled. 

'Jesus okay then.' she laughed. 'thanks Jack.' 

'Awwww one more.' 

'Nope.' Sera smiled, hopping out of the car and entering her building. Waving at him as he drove away. 

~~in her apartment~~ 

One of the group was stood at the window, looking down at Jack and Sera laughing in his car. 

'Guys. She's back.' He said. 

'Okay. Everybody we know what to do. Get in your positions.' the leader said. 

'Wait i'm not done yet.' one said from the kitchen area. 

'Hurry up.' the leader instructed. 'she could be here any minute.' 

'Shes in the building.' the one at the window said. 

'My sensors are telling me shes in the lift.' the last person said sat at a computer propped up on her book case.

~~in the lift~~ 

Sera slung her handbag over her shoulder and pulled out her keys, she lived on the 5th floor so taking the elavator was much quicker than walking. 

'i should start taking the stairs actually.'  she thought 'theres too many stairs at the jeffersonian maybe if i take the stairs here i wont wheeze when i walk up the ones at work.'

~~in Jacks car~~ 

'Ah shit.' he said aloud as he pulled into his driveway. Sera's coat was in the passengers seat. Pausing, he sent her a message saying hell drop it off. Putting the car in gear he drove back to her building. 

Saving Her ~Jack Hodgins~Where stories live. Discover now