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~~at the lab~~

'So, Hodgins, who's the girl?' Sweets asks walking up behind him. The pair had arrived at the jeffersonian and immediately split up, Jack going to his office and Sera to 'limbo' as they called it to identify some people.

'I'm not telling you Sweets, go find and let me know.' Jack said typing on his computer. 

After Sweets had left the room and was well out of earshot, Jack called Sera to prepare her incase Sweets interrogated her. 

'Hey, Sweets is tryna find out who i was on a date with.' he whispered down the phone. 

'Okay, what do you want me to do about it?' Sera asked from the speaker. 

'I dont know, do you want him to know or not?' He said. 

'Yeah ima lie.' she laughed. 

'To make him believe it, believe it yourself. He's a psychologist remember hes practically psychic.' Jack explained. 

'Yeah i know i know.' She says, 'I'm going now Dr. B wants me to help her with the remains.'

'Bye then.' He says hanging up the phone. 

~~in the bone room~~

'C-5 just under the hyoid seems to have been shaved off.' Brennan said into , as Sera entered, examining the bone. 

'Wow, dude did somet freaky to get that.' Sera laughed walking up to her, 'Hey Cam didnt know youd be in today.'

'Hi Sera, didnt expect you either. Did you have fun last night.' Cam said giving her a knowing look causing her to blush. 

'Mhmmmm, but like can we pretend im working i'm hiding from Sweets, me and Jack went on a date today when Sweets called him in and he was like just bring her, but now hes tryna figure out who so i'm hiding and then lying my way out of it.'

'Okay carrying on, shaved?' Cam said. 

'Yes, like with a cheese slicer.' Brennan explained

'Must mean someone slit his throat then.'

'No it doesnt look like it came from a knife.' Sera peeked over her bosses shoulder at the bone. 

'Sera's right there are no serations, even microscopic.' she agreed.

'What then?' 

'I do not know, Ill look for weapons now.' Bones said placing the bone down and leaving. 

' Sera do not freak out but Sweets is coming this way now.' Cam said laughing slightly. 

'OMG erm pretend to i dont know give me something to do so it looks normal.' Sera said panicking. 

'Okay and Sera can you please go over the body and catalogue all injuries sustained and their measurements so we can find the murder weapon.' Cam said professionally. 

'Yes i can.' Sera replied before whispering 'thank you' to her boss, who nodded and left her alone to collect herself before Sweets walked in. 

'Sera, didn't know you were in today.' he said. 

 'Well I felt fine this morning so I came in.' She replied not looking up from her work. 

'Do you know anything about Hodgins' mysterious girlfriend?' He asked

'No and I'm tryna work so kindly, fuck off please Sweets.' She smiled at him. 

'Woah someone's in a mood, I'll leave then.' He says backing away.

'Thank you.' 

Sera sighed deeply as soon as Sweets left. Not looking after, she pulled out her oboe and texted Jack what had happened, two minutes later he responded with a thumbs up emoji, causing her to laugh and look through the glass doors at him in his office. She told him to turn around and as he did she gave him a sneaky middle finger and then blew him a kiss. He first feigned offence then caught the air kiss and put it in his pocket and texting her 'for later'  to which she responded with 'ill give you a real one' . This caused him to blush and smile, then clear his throat and pretend to work as Dr. Brennan walked in. Sera then buried herself in the case and attempting to solve the murder that had been given to her, in the the hours she was there she catalogued all the injuries and helped the team identify the murder weapon. 

As she was leaving, a panting Jack came running up behind her. 

'Hey do you need a ride?' He asked knowing they came in together.

'oh erm yes please I was just gonna get a taxi so thanks.' She responded. 

The pair left the building together, as he dropped her off at her house she gave him a kiss on the cheek and thanked him before saying goodnight send heading up to her apartment, not knowing the dark things that lay ahead of her in life. 


Hey guys, shorter chapter today. 

I burnt my hand and it hurts to type lol. 

Anywho I watched bones today and balled my eyes out cos Jack is paralysed. 

That's depressing, anywho goodnight (it's 1.42 am RN) bye. 


796 words

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