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in the bar

Seraphina was drunk. Everyone there was drunk. 

They started of the night with a simple rum and coke all round, while Dr. Brennan opted for red wine all night.  Once they had finished their drinks, Ange began ordering shots, they all took them, laughing when someone made a face of disgust or pain at the liquid that seemed to ignite their throats. After three rounds of shots, they had split up into two groups. Sweets, Cam, Brennan and Jack all stayed at the table to talk whereas Booth, Seraphina and Ange left to dance to the music that was being blasting through speakers. 

"HEY SERAPHINA." Ange yelled over the music. 

"WHAT ANGE?" She screamed back. 

"I'M GONNA ASK IF THE GUY CAN PLAY A SONG ILL BE BACK IN A MINUTE" Ange informed the girl who nodded and relayed the message to Booth. 

A minute later, Ange had returned and Seraphina was walking over to her boyfriend in an attempt to make him dance with her.

'Hey,' she said sitting down on his knee and giving him a smile 'come dance with me. Please.'

'Do i have too?' 

'Well its either you come and dance with me or im gonna force you to watch all 13 seasons of Doctor who with me.' 

'I want to watch it though so thats a pretty bad ultimatum love.' 

'Pleaaaseeeeee dance with me, Ange just requested a song aswell so itll be good.' 

'Fine, one dance.' he said

'yay' she said and pulled him over to the dance floor as they joined Ange and Booth, Ange's song request came on.

'im gonna use this song to get the guy over at the bar, you dont have to pull someone tonight just make sure you get your guy.' she said to seraphina, then leaving her confused.

'Wha-' she begun before recognising the song as Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter 'oh' 

Spinning around, she smiled at Jack and pulled him closer so they could dance. 

As the couple was dancing promiscuously together, Ange was talking to a guy at the bar, somehow convincing him to dance with her, the rest of the team were talking to each other at the table. 

'You know I'm pretty sure Seraphinas the girl who Hodgins was on a date with when he got called in. I dont know why it took me so long to find out.' Sweets commented, looking at the pair. 

'Oi you guys, you never gave me my winnings. I got the closest on our bet.' Cam yelled over the song. 

'You didn't win did you?' Booth asked. 

'Yep, i said 2 months.' she laughed. 'pay up.' 

*time skip. 3 hours* 

Everyone was extremely drunk. Ange left an hour before the rest of them with the man from by the bar, the team whistling and cheering them out of the bar. Booth, Brennan and Cam had left after her saying something about work. Then Sweets left promising to drop of an extremely drunk Seraphina and Jack at his house. 

Once back at Jacks house, Seraphina stumbled up the stairs, giggling to herself. Jack followed after locking the door and running up the stairs attacking his girlfriend in flurry of tickles and kisses. Laughing, Seraphina deepened the kiss, moving so she was sat on his lap at the end of the bed. 

*time skip the next morning* 

Sunlight spilled into the room, over the sleeping couple, through the open blinds. Groaning, Seraphina rolled over towards the window, silently yelling at herself for not shutting the curtains last night. Suddenly, Seraphinas rington echoed around the room, waking her boyfriend.

'Who is it?' He asked groggily. 

'Ange.' she answered, picking up the phone. 'Hello'

'Hey, are you not up yet?' Ange questioned hearing the girls morning voice through her phone. 

'No we were up late last night.' 

'Oooooo okay i want the details later, where are you though i'm at Hodgins' and i brought breakfast.' 

'We are in Jack's bed at the moment.' Seraphina laughed as Ange made a gagging noise. 

'Ew okay just get your clothes on and come and let me in.' 

'Okay give me a minute.' Seraphina said down the phone. 

Twently minutes later, Seraphina, Jack and Ange were in Jacks living room silently eating the breakfast bagels Ange had provided.

'Soooo,' Ange began wiggling her eyebrows. 'last night?' 

'Angee!' Seraphina complained, shooting her a look that said i'll tell you later. 'Anyway, what di you want.' 

'Oh yeah, i came here because i solved your predicament.' She said. 

'Go on.' Jack prompted.

'That guy from last night, very attractive might i add, but not the point he has a brother whos girlfriends cousin had a friend named Seraphina and they had the great idea to give her a nickname.' 

'And? Don't all people shorten it to Sera?' Jack asked. 

'No because they shortened it to... drumroll please..... okay fine dont drumroll... Finn.' Ange finished.

'Wait thats cool.' Seraphina said. 

'Yeah i thought youd like that so i stopped by to tell you i saved you as that in my phone and i told the whole team to call Finn now.' 

'Thanks Angie.' 

'No problem, now i must be off i have to be somewhere today.' She announced standing up and hugging the couple and leaving them. 

'Back to bed?' Jack asked.

'100%' she said getting up and running back to their bed. 'Are you coming Curly?' 

'Curly?' Jack questioned joining his girlfriend in bed.

'Yeah your hair is curly right or am i blind?' 

'No it's curly, it just made me laugh' Jack corrected. 

'Well in that case, yes Curly, thats your new nickname.' she giggled. 

'That, my love, is absolutely fine.' Jack said snuggling up to her. 

'Thought so.' She sighed contently. 'So Curly whats the plan for today?' 

'How about, cuddles, netflix and then some more cuddles.' 


'Okay then Finny, you can pick the first film' 

Grabbing the remote, Seraphina cuddled up next to her boyfriend, not to be disturbed for the next few hours, only moving for snacks and toilet breaks. 

Authors note

hey guys, im back and have a few things to say 

1. 10k reads is amazing and i love you all, 

2. i cant remember what else i had to say. 

anyways, have a lovely day, night, afternoon, whatever it is where you are. 

be safe my loves, goodbye 


1051 words 

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