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Seraphina packed up her stuff and made her way over to Jacks desk.

"Hey love are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yep, we're all packed up and ready to go out. I can't wait to pick out your outfit, we are gonna look amazing."

"Let me just finish noting my findings then we'll go." He said typing away at the computer. "And.... I'm..... Done. Come on lets go." Jack stood and grabbed Seraphinas hand and the couple walked out the Jeffersonian and into the garage.

"Can i put some music on?" She asks slipping into the passenger seat of his car.

"Oooo yes you're connected right?"

"Yup from last time." She pulled out her phone and begun to play her playlist, belting the words to the songs as Jack drove them home often looking at his girlfriend and laughing at her joy.

Once they got to Jacks house, Seraphina immediately pulled him towards the bedroom in search of the perfect outfits.

"No, no, no, oh definitely not, ew what is this?" She said digging through his clothes as he sat on the bed.

"Ooo i got it. Wear this." She said pulling out an outfit and placing it on the bed next to him.

"Do i have to?" He moans.

"Yes, i have a matching dress, i didnt even know you had this when i bought the dress. Anyway put it on ill be back in like 20 minutes im just gonna go grab the dress, i left my makeup and curler here right or do i need to grab them?" She said grabbing his car keys and quickly pecking his head.

"They're in the bathroom i think ill check and call you if theres anything missing."

"Okay, I'll be back soon bye" Seraphina called leaving Jack in the empty house.

~20 minutes later~~

"Im back." She yelled walking up the stairs.

"Im in the shower." He shouted out to her.

"Hurry up i gotta wash my hair."

"Im getting out now anyway love"

Seraphina was sat on the bed in sweats and a hoodie, playing on her phone as Jack walked out of the master bathroom into his bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, hair dripping.

"Showers free." He stated looking down at his girlfriend.

"Than- oh my god."

"What?" Jack questioned Seraphina who was staring at him, in shock.

"You look, oh my god. Ima just... yeah." She stutted, pointing to the bathroom and entering it, shutting the door behind her.

~~1 hour later~~

Seraphina was in the bathroom doing what Jack could only assume was her hair from the amount of times she swore under her breath at a burn. He has been ready for the past half an hour and was waiting for Seraphina to finish so they could go. Suddenly, his phone began to ring.

"Hey Ange." He answered

"Hey when are you guys leaving, me, Brennan, Booth and Cam are on our way there now."

"Hold on let me ask how long she'll be" he pulled the phone away from his eat and yelled "Babe how long will you be the others are leaving now?"

"SHIT, erm like 5 minutes ive just got to spray my hair and get changed."

"She said like 5 minutes so give us abt 20 to get there."

"Okay see you there then, bye" Ange laughed and ended the call.

In the bathroom, Seraphina sprayed her hair with hairspray and slowly brushed out the rigid curls. Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled and began to change.

"I'm done" she said walking out of the bathroom. This time it was Jacks turn to be speechless.

"You look-"


"Amongst other things yes."

Seraphina grabbed her jacket, purse and phone while Jack called a taxi for them so they didn't have to worry about drinking.

Jack was wearing a deep red shirt, black dress pants and black shoes. While Seraphina was wearing a red satin dress. The top part was a corset with a zipper instead of a tie, with off the shoulder sleeves and a dress with a slit up her thigh. She had red strappy heels om that gave her an extra three inches of height.

Together, the couple looked as if they could rule the world. As they drove, Seraphina and Jack sang along to the radio.

Once they got to the bar, they met up with their friends who immediately gave them shots, which was only the beginning of an unforggetable night. 


hey guys, 

its moi 

with a longer chapter today like whattt??? 

anywho i have two queations 

1. do you guys want a playlist made for this book? 

2. smut or no smut? i dont think itll be any good but its up to you guys. 

also ill insert a picture of the inspiration for Seraphinas dress here because i do not think i did it justice with that description. 

Well thats it, goodbye and happy new year guys 

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Well thats it, goodbye and happy new year guys 


Saving Her ~Jack Hodgins~Where stories live. Discover now