Party, Party, Eva, Party: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Peacefully, Asuka and Shinji slept in each other's arms. Snug, warm, and happy, the two were at peace.

But that peace was going to be interrupted by a dark force of nature.

Misato:(massive grin)

Finding the two like this, she snuck upon them. Looming over, like a vulture, grinning like the Grinch.

Shinji was first to sense a presence. He opened his eyes just before Misato poked him in the cheek.


Shinji:(slowly looks at Misato)...

Misato:(thumps up)

Shinji: Gha!

Asuka: Hmmm...(yawn)

His surprise awoke Asuka.

Asuka: A nightmare...? (Sigh)... Come on, I'll make you-Wha!?

She took notice of Misato.

Asuka: Wha-wha-what the fuck are you doing here!?

Misato: Glad you two finally did something! Though maybe sex is a bit fast, but whatever...

The two, naked, of course, raised their blanket as they got up slightly.

Shinji: Misato, please leave.

Asuka: Yeah! Get the fuck out you creepy old hag! What the hell is wrong with you!?

Misato:(chuckles) Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving.

She walks towards the door, but before leaving, turns around.

Misato: Remember to use protection. I have some in my room if you need any-


Both Shinji and Asuka throw something at Misato who shuts the door before getting hit.

Asuka: Your condoms are expired! Guess someone has been too busy growing cobwebs to know!

Misato's laughter could be heard in the distance.

Asuka:(grumbling) Fucking bitch, ruining...

Her dialogue quickly devolved into German swearing.

Holding her in his arms, the two try to return to their peaceful slumber.



Misato:(laughing in the distance)

Asuka:... God, can't believe that bitch is going to be our children's grandmother.




Shinji: What?

Asuka: What?

(Opening theme)

Sat on the roof of his school, Shinji, alone, was quickly met with company.

Kensuke and Toji loud and proud, announced themselves.

Toji: Yo! Ikari!

Shinji: Hey guys...

Kensuke: Is it true? You and Asuka are a thing?

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