Tristan McLean (Jiper/Jasper)

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My daughter, Piper, was coming home again! She had said she was bringing a friend. Maybe someone from her school. I didn't mind. She needed company. The mansion was spotless as usual and I was waiting in anticipation. She was supposed to arrive at 5. 5.15, 5.20, nothing. Just as I was beginning to get worried, a dark blue BMW pulled into the drive. To my surprise, a blonde boy with sky blue eyes got out of the driver's seat, walked to the other side and held the door open. A tall woman with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope eyes stepped out. She was wearing a knee-length floral dress and white high heels. She took the boy's arm and they walked up the driveway. I watched them in confusion. Who were they? What were they doing here?

The lady threw herself into my arms, crying, "Dad! I missed you so much!" Only then did I realise that the beautiful lady was Piper! I was so embarrassed. I couldn't even recognise my own daughter! I invited them in, noting that the blonde held on to Piper's hand till we were safely inside the house. My eyes wandered over him curiously. He was of average height, but well-built and muscular. He had numerous scars all over his arms and a very faint one below his lip. Then I took in Piper's appearance. Her eyes looked broken, like she had seen too much and she too had scars running down her arms and legs. We reached the living room and I gestured to them to sit down.

There was awkward silence for a while before I decided to break it. "So who's your friend here?" I asked Piper. She took a deep breath and squeezed his arm. He looked at her reassuringly. "This is my fiance, Jason," she told me. I felt like a hammer had dropped on me. Fiance? Only then did I notice the rings on their fingers. They were beautiful and expensive diamonds! Diamonds! But how? She had never had a boyfriend before! How did they meet? Why were they engaged at twenty? That was way too young! Then I noticed a tattoo on the boy's arm and I blew. "How could you, Piper! Getting engaged at twenty without telling me? How long have you known each other? He's probably going to dump you soon! He has a tattoo for God's sake! Did he get you pregnant?" I shouted angrily. The boy's eyes turned cold as did Piper's. "I am engaged at twenty because I love Jason with all my heart and he loves me back. We have been through so much together that neither of us can live without the other! He would never dump me, the tattoo wasn't his choice and no! I am not pregnant!" she retorted. "I only came to give you the wedding invite, but I guess you don't want it. Chiron can walk me down the aisle then. He has been more of a father to me for four years than you have ever been in fifteen!" she said coldly.

I would never admit it, but her words stung my heart and I began to realise I had never been there for Piper when she needed me. She had always been more of an object on my to-do list than an actual person. I couldn't blame her for not seeing me as a father. Then I did something I am ashamed of. I broke down crying in front of them! Tristan McLean, famous movie star, breaks down in front of daughter and her fiance! To my shock, Piper didn't do anything! She just sat there, watching me cry until the boy nudged her. They had a rapid whispered conversation in another language and it looked like the boy won. Sighing Piper moved towards me and awkwardly comforted me. I spilled all of my feelings to her, not noticing the boy left to give us privacy. She warmed up to me again, after I apologised deeply.

Then she called the boy back and began telling me about demigods. I learnt about all their adventures and by the time they finished, my mouth had dropped open and my eyes were wide. I immediately knew I had been wrong about Jason. Holding out my hand to him, I said, "I apologise for my initial reaction to you. I was a little shocked that my daughter was engaged at twenty. However after listening to your stories I have realised you truly make my daughter happy. I will be there at your wedding. Take care of her, Jason."

That was how I ended up walking my beautiful daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. Needless to say, it was the proudest day of my life.

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