Veronica James (Percabeth)

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"Have you heard! THE Percy Jackson's coming to our school!!!" I squealed to my friend Annabeth Chase, jumping up and down in excitement. She just rolled her eyes. "So?" My eyes widened. She didn't care? "How can you not care? PERCY JACKSON! Coming to our school! He's the youngest Olympic swimmer ever!" She just looked bored. I groaned. "You're hopeless!". She just shrugged and followed me into Maths.

Just as the lesson ended, an announcement came on over the speakers. "All students please report to the auditorium for assembly please. Thank you." Immediately we all rushed out to the auditorium. When everyone finally settled down, the principal, Mr Wellington, stood at the podium. "Hello students, I would like to introduce our speaker for today, Percy Jackson!" The crowd went wild, screaming and cheering like crazy, me included. In fact the only person who didn't join in was Annabeth! Before I could ask her about it, Percy began to speak.

"Um... Hi guys!" he started nervously, looking around. Again people started screaming, with one girl even shouting, "Marry me!" He looked extremely uncomfortable with all the attention and started talking again. "So apparently I'm supposed to talk about something to you guys! But I didn't really prepare anything properly, so um why don't you guys suggest something?" he asked. Annabeth shook her head disapprovingly, muttering something that sounded like, "Typical Seaweed Brain!" What did she mean?

Anyway, most people were calling for a Q and A session. "Alright! A Q and A it is!" Percy shouted. "Raise your hands if you want to ask something." Immediately, everyone raised their hands, even Annabeth! Percy looked shocked but recovered quickly. "OK, that's a lot. I'll just pick randomly. How about you? The one in the red shirt." The guy looked surprised. He was one of the nerds after all. "Um, when did you start swimming?" So the questions went on like that until one of the popular girls asked if he was dating anyone. "Yes actually. I met her at a summer camp when we were twelve. We started dating when we were sixteen. I love her with all of my heart!" Aw! That's so sweet! "Ok, one last question. How about you there! In the gray sweatshirt. He called Annabeth! She stood up and called, "When are you coming home, Seaweed Brain?" What! How could she disrespect him like that? The teachers began apologising to him but he waved them off. "Wise Girl? It's really you?" he asked, eyes wide. "What do you think, Kelp-Head?" she replied.

Now I was extremely confused. Did my friend know a super famous person well enough to call him a nickname? Percy jumped down from the stage, eyes lighting up and ran towards Annabeth. She jumped into his arms and they kissed! In front of the whole school! My friend, Annabeth was kissing PERCY JACKSON! "So guys, this is my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase!" he exclaimed. From then on, we all looked at Annabeth with a new respect. I love Percabeth!

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