Petra Stones (Percabeth)

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First off, let me say that Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson hate each other. They are both super hot and popular though Annabeth is in the 'smart' popular group and Percy is in the 'sporty' popular group. Like they are always glaring at each other and arguing with each other. Hi my name is Petra and I work for the school newspaper. I really need some new material. I had just entered Starbucks, but froze up when I saw them at Starbucks together. This would not end well. They were definitely going to cause a scene!

But then I realised that they were sitting together at a table! Like together! I had to find out what was going on. "Wise Girl, it's so hard!" exclaimed Percy. I waited for her to judo-flip him. She always hated nicknames. But instead, she reached out and squeezed his hand. 'I know Seaweed Brain! I hate glaring at you when I really want to kiss you!" she replied. What!!!

"You know I love you right?" asked Percy. "I love you too, Seaweed Brain!" replied Annabeth, leaning over. And they just kissed!!! KISSED! The two sworn enemies just KISSED!!! I had to write about this! It would probably be better to talk to them and find out what was going on, but that would make the article less interesting. Now I could speculate all I wanted and totally spice things up! This would be so cool!

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