Fredrick Chase & Matt Sloan (Percabeth)

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My daughter, Annabeth, was coming over for dinner today! I hadn't seen her in years so I was hoping to catch up with her and introduce her to her new boyfriend, Matthew Sloan. His father, Kirk Sloan was a good friend of mine and colleague as well so I knew Matthew was perfect for my sweet Annabeth. He would be kind and gentle, important traits for a first boyfriend. I knew Annabeth hadn't dated before! She would have told me!

Anyway, Helen had agreed and was cooking a delicious dinner while Bobby and Matthew, my sons, were playing with lego in their room. Matthew arrived around 6 and greeted me politely, and we began talking for a while until the doorbell rang again at 6.15. Immediately Matthew and Bobby raced down the stairs and threw the door open grinning widely. I had to stifle a gasp. The confident beautiful blonde-haired woman was so different from the shy and angry seven year old girl. She had an hourglass figure, long blonde ringlets, gray eyes filled with pride and a confident posture. Her mouth was set in a thin line and she surveyed the room coldy until her eyes fell on Bobby and Matthew. She rushed forward smiling and hugged them both tightly. "I missed you guys so much!" she exclaimed. I smiled at her but she didn't look at me, instead looking back out of the door and beckoning for someone to come in.

Who? She hadn't told me someone was coming with her? My jaw dropped upon seeing the man that came in. He was 6 feet tall with deep green eyes and messy black hair. He looked like a player! What was he doing with my Annabeth? Just as I was going to ask this question, Annabeth beat me to it. "Dad, this is Percy. He's from camp." I scrutinised him closely but he didn't seem to care,staring at Matthew Sloan hard as if remembering something before something seemed to click and he started glaring at Matthew! Then he whispered something to Annabeth who looked angry immediately. "Dad, what is he doing here?" she asked, gesturing to Matthew in a barely controlled voice.

"I'm Matt Sloan, my dear. Your new boyfriend!" he said, smirking. Her eyes widened in what I took to be amazement. "Yes Annabeth. This is Matthew Sloan. He is the son of one of colleagues, Kirk Sloan and is a very nice boy! He's going to be your boyfriend!" I explained happily. "WHAT! My boyfriend! This is my fiancee!" she screamed, looking at Percy. I took a step back in shock. Fiancee? She was engaged? To that stupid player? How could this happen? "Annabeth! How could you? Getting engaged at 19? To that player too!" I shouted. Her next words had me quaking in my boots.

She stepped forward calmly though her eyes were blazing. "You dare to ask me that? When you've been absent in my life since I was seven? Ever since you threw me out as a helpless child into the world, you have no control over my life. Especially not over who I should date!" she said icily, glaring at me the whole time. This was the most terrified I'd been in years, I was ready to crawl and beg for forgiveness! Just as I thought this couldn't get worse, Matthew stepped forward.

"What do you mean fiancee? You're mine!" he said. I could have slapped my forehead had I not been so terrified. He was nice but he could be very protective. "Yours? Annabeth is not anybody's possession! She is her own, brilliant, beautiful, brave, wonderful, woman!" said the boy angrily. "And you have absolutely no right to talk like that to her, especially when she has punched you in the face!" he ended smugly, grinning at Annabeth who returned it. Punched him in the face? What! Why would she do that? To such a sweet boy too!

Helen, whom I noticed for the first time since Annabeth arrived, put her hands up in a calming motion, saying, "Please calm down, everyone. Matthew, you should know better than to speak like that, Frederick, Annabeth's right, you can't control her life. We're lucky she decided to come here at all! Annabeth, would you like to explain why you punched Matthew in the face?" Matthew stepped back, a worried expression on his face. "I don't think I need to, Fredrick. All you need to know is Matt was trying to attack Percy so I punched him to protect Percy."

"What kind of boyfriend needs his girlfriend to save him? I would always save you my dear!" Matthew said, looking at Annabeth lovingly. "DON'T call me your dear! And I can prove that Percy is a better fiancee than you'll ever be! I'll ask you both questions about myself, and the one who gets more answers correct, is the better boyfriend! Sounds fair? Good." She said, without waiting for an answer. This was good! Matthew knew a lot about Annabeth from what I've told him. That player Percy would probably only talk about himself so he would definitely fail! Both looked at each other and nodded.

"Ok, first question. How many siblings do I have?" "2! Duh! They're literally right here!" laughed Matthew. "Wrong. She has 6." said Percy. How could she have six? "Percy's correct. I have siblings at Camp." said Annabeth, smiling at Percy. It's ok, it's just one question. Matthew will do better on the rest.

"Second question. Who is my best friend? Girl best friend," she clarified. Matthew looked completely stumped while Percy on the other hand immediately shouted, "Thalia!" She rolled her eyes, "Yes Seaweed Brain, correct. Don't shout!" He just smiled.

"Next question. If Percy gets this right he wins. What is my favourite colour?" "Gray" guessed Matthew. "The green of my eyes" answered Percy smugly. How was she engaged to this idiot? "Correct Percy, but you are so getting beat after this!" she exclaimed, playfully glaring at him. "I look forward to it!" he replied, grinning.

Then she turned to me. "So, is that enough proof that Percy is better than Matt?" Mathew hadn't even gotten one question right so I was forced to concede her point and nodded reluctantly. "Good, now I think we're leaving! I'm so sorry about the food Helen, but I don't think I can stand being in a room with these two a second longer!" she said, gesturing to me and Matthew. "Also, you're invited to our wedding, bring Bobby and Matthew too! It's on the 18 of August, Percy's birthday! You, on the other hand, if I even see you there, I will not hesitate to castrate you!" she spat at me. I couldn't believe my ears. My daughter was threatening me! How had I fallen so far? It didn't matter anyway, they had already left. I could only hear the last wisps of their conversation. "That sounded a lot like Artemis!"

"I know, I've been taking lessons."

"Remind me to never get on your bad side!"

"You know I love you, Seaweed Brain!"

"And I love you, Wise Girl"

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