Molly Ashton (Pipercy brotp)

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"Pipes, I'm breaking up with you." I heard the guy say. Hi my name's Molly and I work in Starbucks. It had been a peaceful day and there weren't any customers until a couple walked in. The girl was absolutely beautiful, despite her choppy brown hair and her kaleidoscope eyes. The boy was amazingly handsome, with black hair and sea green eyes. Definitely a player.

They had just sat down, and I was going to go over to take their orders when I heard them. The girl seemed heartbroken, her voice cracking as she asked, "But... but why? Wasn't I good enough for you?" My heart went out to her. I knew how it felt. "No Pipes, don't-" She cut him off. "Don't call me Pipes! Only friends can! And you think I'm interested in hearing what you have to say? That you were cheating on me? That you have five other girls waiting for you?"

The guy looked extremely guilty and didn't meet her eyes. She gasped. "You were cheating! I can't believe you! Get out!" Tears glistened in her eyes. He tried to say something but she shouted again, "Get out! I never want to see your face again!" He stared at her for a while and left. I felt disgusted with him and went over to the girl who was now sobbing her heart out.

She jumped as I put a hand on her shoulder and turned around abruptly. "I'm so sorry!" She sniffled, rubbing her red nose. "It's just we were dating for a while now, and then he suddenly breaks up with me... and he's been cheating!" She had stopped crying for a while but as she finished, she broke down into fresh sobs.

I felt terrible for her. "Do you like macaroons?" I asked her. She looked surprised but nodded. "Alright then," I said, leading her to the counter. "Take your pick! Ten free macaroons and a chocolate muffin!" She looked amazed at my kindness. "Really? Won't you get punished?" She asked, tears still on her face, her voice slightly raw from crying. "No one has to know!" I whispered, putting my face close to hers to try and get her to laugh. It worked and she gave a weak chuckle. After that she quickly picked out her ten, took the muffin, thanked me and left. I smiled to myself for helping someone in need. Now, how to disable the security cameras?

Piper's POV

I left Starbucks hurriedly to meet Percy at the deserted alley we had agreed upon. He ran to me eagerly. "Did you get anything? Blue for me? He asked eagerly, like a small child. I laughed and handed him the blue macaroon. He immediately stuffed it in his mouth. "Fanks!" He managed to say with his mouth full.

I smacked him on his hand lightly. "Manners! What would Annabeth say?" I joked. His eyes grew wide and he suddenly looked panicked. After swallowing his mouthful with difficulty, "What am I going to do? She might kill me for pretending to be your boyfriend!" He practically shrieked. I laughed, "When she sees these macaroons, I doubt she'd care!"

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