Carl Peterson (Percabeth)

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My name is Carl Peterson and I am a college student in Waterway university. I'm pretty well known in school and I look quite ok I guess. I have brown hair and blue eyes and a four pack. I'm majoring in architecture and my best friend is Annabeth Jackson and she's a goddess. She has waist length blonde hair, perfect curves and is super intelligent. You might have guessed I have a crush on her by now! Anyway, I've known her for two years and I'm her best friend.

We got paired up for another project today and she invited me over to her house to work on it. I kept my cool on the outside but inside I was screaming in excitement. I was going to my crush's house! After school I rushed back home to change and get my notes. As soon as I was ready, I jumped into my Prius and drove towards the address she had given me. When I reached there, my jaw dropped. It was a mansion! A huge one at that! Maybe I had gotten the wrong address? Nervously I knocked on the door and waited. What if it was the wrong house? That would be so embarrassing!

Luckily for me, Annabeth herself opened the door and welcomed me in. I followed her, feeling very conscious of my old Prius in her Greek Style mansion with a beautiful garden and a swimming pool! "I thought we could work in the living room. I cleared it out for us!" she suggested. I agreed, still too awed to speak. She must have caught on to how I was feeling because she explained. "It's huge isn't it? Yeah I designed it myself with my mother's help. I've always admired Greek architecture as well as Roman so I decided to design it that way." If possible, my eyes became even wider. Annabeth had designed this?

The living room was big as well. There were a lot of pictures on the walls but I didn't pay attention to them because Annabeth was gesturing to me to sit down. We started on the project with Annabeth giving many amazing ideas and just as we were almost done, a small boy, around 2 years old I guess, toddled in on unsteady legs. He looked like he had just woken up from a nap and seemed very grumpy but his face lit up as soon he saw Annabeth. "Mama!" he cried, running into her arms. She smiled and hugged him tight. My heart stopped beating. Annabeth had a son? Of course not, right? We were only 22! Probably a little brother or something. "Did you make Daddy sleep again?" Annabeth asked, bopping his nose. He giggled and nodded. Dada seeping!" She wagged her finger in mock anger. "Oh no! Naughty Lukey!" The boy seeed to understand she was joking and giggled as well. Annabeth kissed his nose. "Go wake up daddy! Tell him Mommy will be angry if he doesn't wake up!" she exclaimed, winking slyly at him. He laughed again and ran out of the room.

Then she seemed to realise I was there and coughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that." I told her it was fine though I was very curious about the boy. Soon we finished the project and I was just packing up when the boy came back in with another man. To my shock, it was Percy Jackson, the leading Marine Biologist in the world! What was he doing in Annabeth's house? "You live with Percy Jackson!" I exclaimed in shock.She nodded like this was an everyday occurrence. He turned around and asked, "Did I hear my name?" in confusion. Annabeth rolled her eyes. 'Yes Seaweed Brain! Carl here, was asking what you were doing in my house!" 'Seaweed Brain'? I thought, confused. How did she know him so well? "Oh!" said Percy, a look of understanding passing over his face. Then he smirked. "Well, is it a crime to live with your wife?" he asked me.

My world began to spin. This was not possible! My Annabeth was married? To Percy Jackson! I couldn't compete with that! They even had a kid! I definitely couldn't compete with that so I swallowed down my pain. "No! Of course not. I just didn't realise you guys were married. Well, I'd better be going now!" I said hurrying out of the mansion with Annabeth calling goodbye. Maybe she wasn't the one for me after all. And it turned out to be true. For just a year I bumped into a girl named Flora in a Coffee Shop and we started dating. I had never been so happy in my life. I was so glad I had gotten over Annabeth. She and Percy deserved each other.

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