Peter Blofis (Percabeth)

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My family and I were going to visit my brother, Paul, and his family because it was his wedding anniversary. I didn't want to, but because we were a respectable family, I forced my family to go. My wife and I had an arranged marriage at the age of 30, our first child at 34, and our second at 37. My children were always well dressed and had proper manners, especially around others. My wife was very meek and followed whatever I told her to do. This was how women should be. Always bow down to man, the superior gender. (As a girl myself, I don't believe in this at all!)

We left after I made sure my son, David, was dressed properly in a suit and my younger daughter, Lyra, was wearing a light blue floral dress with long sleeves that reached her calf. My wife was wearing an ankle length sleeveless red dress but I forced her to wear a black cardigan on top so as to not expose any skin because it was improper. Girls should only wear dresses or skirts that cover up their body fully. (I don't believe in this either!) I myself was dressed in a smart black suit that made me seem intimidating. We arrived promptly at seven and knocked on the door of their small apartment.

The door was opened by a young girl who couldn't have been more than three! She looked at us curiously. She had black hair and gray eyes, a very strange combination but she managed to pull it off. She had on a 'Daddy's little girl' t-shirt and a pair of jeggings! That wasn't right! She should be wearing a dress! She called into the house. "Mommy! Daddy! There are people at the door!" She was rude too! I wondered if she was Paul and Sally's daughter? Paul came to the door and smiled at me. "Peter! It's good to see you!" he said jovially, holding out a hand that I shook reluctantly. "I'll get Sally down. She's just getting ready," he explained, leading us to the small living room. We sat down to wait. I noticed David slouching and was quick to smack him on the shoulder. He immediately sat up straight again. In five minutes Sally had come down. I nodded in approval. At least she had the decency to dress well! She was wearing a black long-sleeved blouse and a white skirt that reached her knees. Could be longer, but it was better than that girl anyway.

She greeted us politely along with Paul. My wife broke the silence which was unusual. "Was that little girl your daughter?" she asked politely. They seemed to find that amusing for some reason and burst out laughing. We waited, my anger rising. It was rude to keep guests waiting! Finally Paul managed to get out. "That was my step-son's daughter!" I was shocked. "I thought your step-son was only 22?" I asked. "23" he corrected. "Let me get him down here." "Percy!" he called loudly. "Coming Paul!" answered a deep masculine voice. A tall boy, taller than myself, came down the stairs behind a girl. He had dark hair, sea green eyes that looked broken and was very muscular. The girl had long blonde hair, startling gray eyes and was muscular as well! That wasn't right! She was wearing jeans and an orange t-shirt while holding a blonde baby in her arms while the girl from earlier held the boy's hand.

"Why are you carrying such a young baby?" asked David curiously. "Oh because she's my daughter!" answered the girl, not looking at us, instead concentrating on the child. Then I burst. "How can you let them do this? Girls should be dressed in skirts and dresses! Not shirts or jeans! They shouldn't be married at 23 or have a child, let alone two! Look! They aren't even looking at us! How rude!" I shouted. The apartment grew silent before Paul spoke quietly. "Girls are allowed to wear whatever they want because they are human beings with feelings. It is none of your business when they get married or have children. I fully support them and view Annabeth as my own daughter. You have no idea what they have been through. Lastly, a child needs to be given attention even if there are guests around. Kids don't understand! I didn't invite you here so you could insult my family. Please leave my house and never come back!"

"Gladly!" I spat back, hating my brother at that moment. I pushed my wife out of the house and the children followed. We left, and never ever visited Paul again.

Mortals meet demigodsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن