Acid Trip

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Lucius could feel the sun hit his face. He didn't want to get up and face reality. He was about sleep again till his phone rings.

Not even checking it he answers, "Hello."

"Um Lucius. Are you okay? You don't sound well," a voice calls out from his phone.

"To be honest, I'm not. I fucked up last night," Lucius stated.

"It couldn't be that bad. I mean Yokaze deserved it," the voice chuckled out.

"Yuzuki I don't mean Yokaze. I mean I pissed off Mei."

"Oh. How bad?"

"I'm sleeping on the roof."

"She kicked you out of the orphanage like that?"

"No. Self imposed exile. Plus, I couldn't face Bayonetta after that," Lucius corrects.

"Then I feel bad for saying this but my clan is having an important meeting so I need to return to my clan for about a week or so," Yuzuki informs the hybrid.

"No problem. Take care stay out of trouble," Lucius warmly jest.

"I should be telling you that. Take care. I'll miss you," Yuzuki says.

"I'm already missing you."

"You flirt. Bye."


He then hangs up the phone. Seeing no point in going back to sleep he decided to face the day. He jumps off the roof, he flipped in the air. He landed on his feet but slipped when was about to do a victory pose.

"Ow. Well thats not a good sign," Lucius said out loud as he stares at the sky.

He could hear the kids around him laugh. He paid it no mind. He closed his eyes.

"Well I think I'll go back to sleep," Lucius says out loud.

"So this is where you went to sleep at," voice said.

"No, I slept on the roof. I just didn't stick the landing," Lucius corrected.

Then silence. He then turns to his side away from the voice.

"So Bayo-san how piss is she?"

The nun dusts the area by his back before sitting down.

"I was going to tell her to go to sleep but she already was. She woke up early. Showered. Ate breakfast. Then called a cab so she and Nezu could go to UA. All before I was even up," Bayonetta answered.

Lucius flinched when he heard how Mei acted. He know had royally messed up. He curled up putting his hands behind his head. Bayonetta placed a hand on his back.

"It's okay child. Just give her time. It will get better," Bayonetta softly said.

"I know. I just hope she won't be angry at me like last time," Lucius said.

"Really, what did you do last time?"

"I didn't do anything directly. But she stopped talking to me for a full year," Lucius responded.

"You still haven't answered my question though. What did you do?"

Lucius sighs. He sits up.

"She blamed me for her lost of her arms. You know when the four hunted us like dogs," Lucius answered.

Bayonetta was surprised to hear that.

"There is no way she would blame you for that. I mean it was their vile personalities that made it happen," Bayonetta frantically states, unsure if she believed the words coming out of her own mouth.

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