The Hunt for Stain

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On the day of the Sport Festival.

Iida heard his phone ring. Seeing that the caller was his mother he answered it.

"Hello mother. Isn't it a bit early for our evening call," Iida answered.

"Tenya. It's your brother. He.... he.... he's gone," the woman said.

Tenya dropped his phone. It took him a while to regain his composure.  He picked his phone back up.  Sounds of a crying woman could be heard from the other end of the phone.

"Mother, where is he?" Tenya asked.

Once he gets the address he rushes to the location. 

He heads to the morgue that houses Tensei. It's was a harrowing sight.  The cheerful, energetic elder brother looked like a dry mummy covered in various cuts. The areas around the cuts dyed a brownish red color. 

Tenya and his mother could help but cry at the sight.

After a while an officer with the head of a dog walked in. 

"Oh good both of you are here," the dog-tective states.

"Who did this to my brother?" Tenya asked the man. 

"I suggest you can your self and not do anything rash," the officer says in an authoritative voice.

"How can you say that. My brother is dead and you want me to do nothing," Iida shouts. 

"That is exactly what you are to do young man. From the TV earlier, I know you are a first year from UA. Meaning you are inexperienced. And you think you can fight against a person who eliminated your brother. Whom I don't have to remind you that he was a seasoned hero. And you think you and him compare to one another.  So give up your desire for revenge. You lack the power, skills, and most importantly experience," the dog man explains.

All Iida could do is ball up his fist. He knew better than to refute an officer and risk being arrested. That would ruin his hero carrier. 

"Maybe if you were one of those Grave kids. You might have a chance. I bet they could give All Might a run for his money," the officer said.

"They aren't heroes, they are villians."

"Why because they are hunters."

"You knew about their villainous activities," Iida yelled.

"I'm an the chief. I have requested their assistance when I notice demonic activities. And I've hired that Lucius boy when he was active in this area. You must know by now how skilled and powerful they are. If heroes were half as good as they are then we would have no crime. Too bad they are only interested in fighting demons," the dog man said.

Iida could only grit his teeth at the praise the Demon hunters were getting.

'How can he support and work with those villians?" Iida thought.

"Now stay out of trouble. The police with take down your brother's killer. You only have to worry about school. And make him proud when you graduate and become a full fledge hero," the officer said before he leave the room.

All this just annoyed Iida. How could they tell him to do nothing as his brother's killer is on the loose. He will find and avenge his brother.

School was now back in session.

Ochako walked up to Iida.

"Iida I heard what happened to your brother. Hmmmm. My condolences," she awkwardly said.

"Thank you," he said not even turning to look at her.

"Oh. Okay. I hope they find that villian," Ochako says before going to her seat.

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