Dumped (5)

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{PHOTO OF MRS. CARTER (DEANA'S MOM) ------------------>>>> }


I moped around in my office while everyone was at the board meeting. The meeting was to approve a certain order layout, which I’d given the go ahead to, since I was the Creative Director. It was the collar for Nestle bottled water. We’d been working on it for about three months and the designers had put in so much time and effort into it. They’d hate me if Jeremy Harrington disapproved it.

I decided to reply my e-mails so I didn’t go crazy. I settled into my chair opening up my blackberry e-mail. I never really checked my emails on my computer anymore, unless I needed to open an attachment. I only had two unread.

The first one was from my mother. I groaned. That woman just never gave up.

To: Deana  Carter <d.carter@darrenbarnesandco.com>

From: Gabrielle Carter <gabbiecarter@freemail.com>

February 27th, 2011 09:17


Deana ,

At least have the common courtesy to call me back when I specifically ask you to.

I understand that you’ve been through a lot, but do not take it out on those who would like to support you.

Also, I’m worried about Rosie. Francesca kicked her out! Can you imagine?

I don’t understand either of you girls. You’re more like your father than I ever knew. Lacking compassion! To kick one’s own family onto the streets?

Only goodness knows where she is! I told her to come stay here, but she wanted to spend more time with Francesca. How sweet!

Do call me if she gets in touch.

Love, Mom.




To: Gabrielle Carter <gabbiecarter@freemail.com>

From: Deana  Carter <d.carter@darrenbarnesandco.com>

February 27th, 2011 12.09



First off, Rosie’s not on the streets. Right now, she’s most likely perched on my kitchen island finishing off my fudge brownies.

Second, I’m perfectly fine, I don’t need support.

Third, you’re smothering her, mom. She’s got to grow up sometime.





The next email was from Jeremy Harrington. It was a general email to everyone about a merger party we were having next week – mandatory.

I was quickly coming to hate this merger and it hadn’t even been 24hours yet. Stacey popped her head into my office.

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