Dumped (23)

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I woke up very late the next morning with a stuffed nose. At first, when I opened up my eyes, I almost forgot the events of last night. Slowly, realization dawned on me, my eyes widened and I sat up, hoping it wasn’t a dream. And then, I saw what I was wearing – a sweatshirt, which smelled entirely of Jeremy – and it all came crashing back.

We came up for air a second time and he said, “Oh wow. Look what you’re wearing; you’re going to freeze”, as I shivered – this time, from the cold.

The rain had died down, but the cold wind hadn’t stilled yet.

I smiled at him and whispered, “Totally worth it, though.”

He chuckled slightly and said, “Come on. I think I might have a sweater or something.”

As he entwined his hands in mine, leading me to his car, I was on cloud nine. I’d forgotten all about Matthew and his ‘request’, my sister’s upcoming wedding, my mom’s rants, and pretty much everything that had happened over the past few months; all I could think of was the sexy dark-haired heartthrob, whose contact made me feel like I was gliding.

“Did you have a good vacation?” I asked, as we got to his car.

“Yeah. But, it’s great to be back”, he said, looking at me intently, as he held out a black and grey striped zip-up hooded sweatshirt.

I bit my lip and smiled, taking it out of his hands. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be waiting”, he said, with a small nod.

I hurried back into the building, receiving a weird look from Trevor, the night guard, on the way – I had left with an umbrella ages ago, and now I was back, dripping wet. I totally deserved the look – and into the bathroom to get changed. The sweater went down to the middle of my thighs.

Jeremy was leaning against my car once again, when I got back out. Rewinding back ten minutes, I remembered coming out to find him sitting on the bumper. It felt way too unreal to be true; I pinched myself one more time, but he was still right there, in all his awesomeness.

He looked up, raised his brows and said quietly, “You look way hotter than I ever did in that.”

I grinned and pulled the sleeves over my hands. He pulled open my door, shutting it as I hopped in and leaning on the open window.

“So”, he said, resting his jaw on his hands.

His curly hair was glistening from the wetness, and I just wanted to run my hands through it.

“So”, I mimicked, leaning back, in my seat, facing him.

“See you tomorrow?” he asked, with a small shrug.

I nodded, “See you tomorrow.”

And with a small smile, he stood up, and I managed to peel myself away, slowly driving out. How I managed to steadily drive all the way home, with my still racing heart, I do not know.

As I sat up straighter, I winced; my head was pounding and I slumped back into my pillows immediately. There was no way I could get up to go to work.

Still though, it was all totally worth it.

I sent a text to Stacey first:

Hey Stace. Won’t be coming in. Not feeling very well. Can you take any messages, please?

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