Dumped (20)

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It had been nearly two weeks since my one-sided dialogue with Jeremy and I was still trying to wrap my head around it.

I was almost a hundred percent sure he’d said he had feelings for me.

But, it could have been the vodka talking.

I hadn’t seen him since then. And since, Savannah had been away at her friend’s wedding in LA; Greg had gone back to work and Brad was in Florida for some convention, there was absolutely no one to ask how he was doing, and it was killing me.

Luckily, I found a small distraction. My mom had asked me to help her out in planning the annual country club brunch. She was in charge of decoration and food, so she was making me move around and decorate tables and chairs.

“DEANA! THAT RUNNER’S CROOKED!” she yelled, from across the room. Her country club friends were all hanging around, helping out; and they all turned to look at me.

I quickly straightened the runner and moved to another table.

I could feel them watching like hawks.

My mother’s friends are a lot like her – controlling, nosy, condescending and extremely judgemental.

If they couldn’t help get Jeremy out of my head, I didn’t really know what could.

“Deana!”, Mrs. Burton – one of my mother’s friends – called, as I rummaged through a box of tablecloths and chair backs. I groaned inwardly; Felicia Burton was one of the chattiest people I’d ever met – she always had something to say and it was hardly ever beneficial or prolific.

“Mrs. Burton! How are you?” I asked, feigning enthusiasm.

“Oh dear! You have such a big heart, Deana. After all you’ve been through, you’re asking how I am? Come here!” she answered, enveloping me in a suffocating hug.

When she finally let go, I stepped back to my box, and she followed.

“So, how are you dear?” she asked, giving me a pitying look.

“I’m great!” I said, still forcing a smile.

She gave me a patronizing look and said, “Aw! That bad, huh?”

“Excuse me?”

“You don’t fool me, dear. Now tell me the truth. How are things since Matthew?” she asked, perching onto a seat next to me.

“Really. They’ve been great. I’m just . . . great”, I said, looking back into my box.

Talking about Matt just made me start thinking about Jeremy again, and that was negating the entire aim of helping out and withstanding the wrath of the country club ladies.

“Hm. So, are you seeing anyone new?” she asked, with a cheery grin.

“Nope. Not at the moment”, I answered, nonchalantly.

She gave me yet another pitying look and said, “With time, my dear”, as she patted my arm.

I clenched my jaw, my forced smile waning.

Just then, Rosie walked into the room, all clad in a mini sundress and wedges. I don’t think I’d ever been happier to see her.

“Rosie!” I called, leaving Felicia Burton, going on about the joys of relationships and true love. Ugh!

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