Dumped (10)

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(PHOTO OF DEANA’S DAD --------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>)




I opened my eyes to see Jeremy standing there in his suit. His shirt was tucked out, and he was holding a bunch of papers. I was not ready for another jerk to piss me off on my birthday.

“I’m not gonna leave”, I said.

“I wasn’t going to make you”, he replied, with his usual blank expression.

“And you can’t be a jerk to me. It’s still my birthday for a few more hours, and I really don’t think I could take anymore.”

“I’m not a . . . Okay”, he replied, still blank.

He turned, about to leave, but he stopped in his tracks and turned back to me. “Do you mind if I sit?” he asked.

I shrugged. “If you want to.”

He plopped into the seat across from me. I continued to eat my cake and he just sat there silent.

 Then, he said, “So, 99.9% huh?”

I nodded and frowned, wincing. What a humiliating evening!

He was silent for a second, and then, he took one of the forks and took a piece a cake. “Tell me about it”, he said.


I hesitated for a second. He put the piece in his mouth and said, “Go on.”

So I poured it all out. From the start – meeting Matt at Sheila and Jerry’s wedding three years ago. He’d asked me out at the reception and, I’d blown him off straight away – I mean, I didn’t even know the guy; we’d only said about ten words to each other in total – ‘Hi’, ‘Hi’, ‘I’m Matt’, ‘I’m Deana’, ‘Nice to meet you’, ‘You too’ – well, twelve, to be precise.

Anyway, we’d met again at Jerry’s birthday a couple months later. We’d had to sit together, so we started talking, and just kind of got to know each other. Things just escalated from there. We dated, did all that couple stuff, and went to lots of weddings. Then, when I caught the bouquet at one – I had just been sitting peacefully at a table; I didn’t get all the hype; and it fell into my lap – Matt proposed. I’d thought he was on crack. But, then he kept asking, so I thought, why the hell not?

Jeremy was pretty easy to talk to and I felt like a load  was being lifted off me. He didn’t interrupt once, and just kept nodding. I still couldn’t tell if he was bored, irritated, shocked, enthralled, or anything. It was slightly unnerving.

“Why the hell not?” Jeremy asked, his brows raised.

I shrugged. “We had been going out for a year and a half.”

“Did you even actually love him?” Jeremy asked, with a frown.

“Of course!” I exclaimed. I mean, I think I did.

“You don’t agree to marry somebody because you think you’re supposed to. You should actually want to be with them forever”, he said, expressionless again.

I raised my brows. “Whatever. Just go on”, he said, taking another bite.

“So, anyway, he broke it off. On the wedding day. At the church. In a letter. On lined paper”, I said taking a bite with each statement.

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