Dumped (13)

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I did in fact see Jeremy the next day, but it was only from a distance. And then, he didn’t show up the next day.

Or the next.

Or the day after that.

I asked Brad, and he mumbled something about him being sick in bed. But, I did not believe him. Not one bit.

Greg hung out at the office all week, flirting with anyone and everyone. Stacey was practically drooling the first time he said "hi" to her.

And then came the day of our Ben & Jerry's meeting. I really hoped Jeremy would show up. I knew everything that I was supposed to say, but I just really wanted to see him. 

I pulled on a royal blue mini tube skirt over my black sleeveless frilly top, and then wore my black four inch peep-toed Christian Louboutins. We were having the meeting at the extremely classy Tydes, at the Four Seasons so, I had to dress my best.
My phone rang as I grabbed my purse.

"You ready?" Jeremy asked when I picked up.

My heart fluttered in my chest.  

"Yeah", I croaked.

"Well, I'm downstairs", he said.

"Downstairs where?" I asked with a frown.

"Your apartment", he replied. I could practically see his raised brow.

I locked the up door and hurried downstairs and sure enough, there he was, leaning on a sleek black limousine. I raised my brows and said, "What, you couldn't find the keys to the Bentley?"

He stared at me blankly and said, "Just get in."

I was getting really sick and tired of his mood swings now – all hot and cold. One minute, he's this jerk, next, he does something really sweet like taking me to a theme park, and then, snap!, he's back to ice cold Jeremy. 

Well, I'd just have to go back to reciprocation of his behaviors. Whenever he acted nice, I'd do the same, and when he was cold and mean, I'd be the exact same way.

We got into the car and I sat by the window, with my purse in my lap, and he across from me, as we headed off.

As a kid, whenever we'd drive by a limousine, I'd always wonder who the people behind the tinted glass were, where they lived, what they were doing inside at that moment and what they were like. Fran, Rosie and I would think up the weirdest families.

"Francois, take the shortcut please?", Jeremy said through the divider.

I glanced at him. He looked totally worn out and stressed.

Maybe he'd actually been ill.

But when I'd asked, Brad had hesitated for quite a while before he'd come up with a response. 

Greg had said, "Hangover, probably", and Brad kicked him.

They'd exchanged a look and then Brad said, "He's ill." 

I'd just left it there. It was obviously private.

Jeremy put his head in his hands and groaned. Maybe it was a hangover.

"Are you alright?" I asked, turning to him.

He looked up at me and sighed. "I can't remember the last time I could truthfully say "yes" to that question", he replied, looking away.

I was about to ask what he meant when Francois said, "We're here!"

Jeremy opened up the door and got out, holding it open for me.

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