Dumped (17)

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Over the next few weeks, Greg, Brad, Savannah and Jeremy hung out around the office. Savanna turned out to be quite a nice person. She’d come in from New York – where she worked at ‘Glamour’ fashion magazine as the Executive fashion editor; she was in town, trend searching. She hung out with Stacey and I quite a bit, when the guys were being all silly and idiotic - that is, Brad and Greg; Jeremy never acted silly.

I hadn't talked to him since he's practically disallowed me from going to lunch with him, Savannah and his friends. I'd seen him around, but pointedly avoided him. I just really needed to get over my little "crush" and, avoidance seemed to be the only solution. It was working out pretty fine too, it was almost like he didn’t exist – almost.

Until one Friday afternoon.

It was one of those days that just never seem to go the way you want them to - these days, everyday was kind of like that, but this Friday was especially awful.

I'd woken up late, to find Shannon listless and looking really frail, so I'd had to take her to the vet before I could get dressed – turns out she had Insulinoma, so urgency was important. I’d gone back home to find that I’d  locked my keys in the house, and the spares were missing – thanks to Rosie. So, I'd had to go to my parents' – everyone else I knew was already at work – to get dressed and, since I didn't have any clothes there, I'd had to borrow Rosie's – they weren’t actually so bad, I’d just rather have worn mine. And then, my car didn't start so, my mother had to drive me to work. I felt like I was in the third grade again.

I sighed as I walked across the street to Starbucks; I really needed to get some caffeine into my system. I got a mocha latte and was about to head out when Jeremy walked in.

"Hey", he said, softly.

"Hi", I replied, with  a small nod. He didn’t seem to be making any signs of moving so, I just walked by him, and out of the shop. I leaned against the brick wall of the building and shut my eyes tight.

This was going to be so hard!

Seeing him almost made me forget the awful morning I'd had.

"Deana?" I heard him call behind me.

I spun around.

He looked like perfection, standing there in his grey suit, the sun glinting against his hair.

"Are you avoiding me?", he asked, with a small frown.

"What? No", I said, not looking at him.

He tilted his head. "You're not a very good liar."

"I'm not lying", I said, with a shrug, still not looking up.

"Did I do something?" He asked, concerned.

"No. Of course not", I answered, shaking my head.

“You sure?” he asked, his brow raised.

"Yeah. Look, I . . . I have to go”, I said.

I was about to turn and leave, but he grabbed my hand, holding on to it.

Damn tingles!

I saw Kelly and Fiona from work, stroll by, glancing at us.

I pulled my hand back, running it through my hair. Fiona was the biggest gossip at the office; who knew what kind of tall tale she’d go telling around the office.

"Are you okay?" He asked, with a small frown.

"Yeah. It’s just been one of those mornings", I said, with a forced smile.

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