Dumped (15)

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I stepped out of the restaurant and into the cool night air. I pulled out my phone and called a cab. There didn’t seem to be any for miles. Just lots of sleek looking cars, speeding back and forth.

Just then, a motorcycle sped by so fast, it was like it hadn’t even been there. What kind of psycho drives so fast that he nearly kills himself. I looked up and down the roads, to see if any cabs happened to be hiding out of view. No luck.

The motorcycle guy sped back again. I shook my head and stepped farther back up the sidewalk. I really hoped the cab would come soon, before I got crushed.

A few minutes later, the guy on the motorcycle stopped right by me. I swallowed.

Maybe I shouldn’t have left Rosie and my mother. I mean, it was probably much safer in there than out here, with creepy stalker speeding motorcycle guys. The guy put up his visor.

“Hey”, he said, in that all too familiar expressionless voice.

My eyes widened, and my brows went way up. “Jeremy???”


“What are you doing here?” he asked, taking off his helmet and turning off the engine.

“You have a motorcycle?” I asked. I tried not to think about how completely hot that was.

“Brad gets all worked up when I speed in my car, so I got it six months ago”, he answered.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” I asked, with a frown.

He shrugged. “What are you doing here?”

“Dinner. You’re trying to kill yourself?”

“Dinner with who?” he asked.

“Are you avoiding the question?” I asked.

“Are you?” he retorted, smiling slightly.

“Dinner with my mom and Rosie”, I answered.

He winced. “Ambush?”

“Kind of. Now, you”, I said, with a nod.

“I just like speed”, he replied, shrugging.

“Speed? You were a blur”, I said.

He shrugged and then said, “So, why are you out here?”

“Dinner went south”, I replied, with a sigh, “I’m waiting for a cab.”

“Where are you going?”

“Home”, I answered.

“I could take you”, he said, smiling.

Flutter, flutter, flutter, went my heart.

I snorted. “Yeah. No, thanks.”

He chuckled. “I wouldn’t speed with you on the back”, he replied.

“Yeah, I think I’m going to wait for a cab”, I said, crossing my arms.

As much as I would have loved to wrap my arms around his waist and ride off into the moonlight, I wasn’t sure I trusted him enough not to get me killed.

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