Dumped (34)

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“Jeremy, have you seen my sweatshirt?” I asked, stepping out of the bathroom, still wearing my bikini.

He looked up from the room service menu, “No, but . . . what’s wrong with what you’re wearing?” he asked, giving me a feigned innocent look.

I rolled my eyes, and threw a towel at him, treading back into the bathroom.

We were at St. Barts, staying at the Eden Hotel for our little getaway trip.  I had never in my entire life been to anywhere nearly as beautiful. The hotel was located on a rocky promontory and surrounded by beautiful coral and sandy beaches, with rooms, cottages and suites both ‘on the rock’ and on the sandy shore. It was pure, unrelenting bliss.

I'd been reluctant to leave my mom, but she'd practically begged me to, so we'd jetted off a few weeks after her surgery. After our huge declaration of feelings to each other and PDA in front of my family and friends, Jeremy and I had spent two weeks hanging around the hospital, looking after my mom; him, visiting Martha and basically just getting acquainted with the halls and floors.
I'd pointedly avoided being alone with any of my other family members afterwards; I knew they'd have a lot to say about my covert relationship with my boss – especially Frannie and Stacey – so whenever I wasn't with my mom, I had Jeremy or Brad glued to my hip, because I figured, no one would start up a confrontation with any of them around. I knew soon enough, though, the time would come. But, it's just what I do; it’s in my nature to avoid things, until I absolutely can't anymore – horrible trait, I know, but everyone has one of those. And more.

It was the last night of our getaway and we'd just gotten back from a long day of Sea-Doos and Scuba Diving.

I grabbed one of Jeremy’s t-shirts and slipped it on. He was still in bed, scanning the menu as I walked out.

“Find anything good?” I asked.

“Not really; we’ve tried nearly everything”, he answered, throwing the menu aside. For the first few days, we’d just stayed in, frolicking endlessly and eating like wolves.

I brushed my wet hair, standing in front of the long mirror behind the bathroom door. I looked at Jeremy’s reflection in the mirror. He was staring at me with a lustful look, as his eyes raked over my body, making every hair on my skin stand.

“What?” I asked softly, turning around and moving towards him.

"Enjoying the view", he said, as I stepped in between his legs.

“What’s it like?” I asked, with a knowing gaze.

“Extraordinary”, he replied, looking up at me and holding onto my thighs.

I settled onto the bed, on my knees, I felt a shiver go down my body, a trail of goose bumps following, as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

It was crazy how in love with him I was, I mean, the slightest glance or graze made me shiver in anticipation. It scared me a little too, because I knew that if I ever lost him, to something as unexpected as natural causes, I probably would never recover. It was the scariest thought.

He grinned, sweeping loose strands of hair off my face. I swallowed and leaned forward, slowly placing my lips on his. He ran his hands up thighs, pushing the shirt up. My insides pulsed with desire as I leaned in closer, closing the gap between us. He pushed the t-shirt up even further, and my body tensed, as I arched my back, gripping his arms.

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