Dumped (16)

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(PICTURE OF SAVANNAH -------------------------------------------->>>>>>>)


I was late for work. Once again.

The good thing about getting along with Jeremy was the fact that I knew I wouldn’t get kicked out of board meetings anymore, although, I did still try to be on time. The only reason I was even late was because I’d had to go over to Stacey’s place last night, at about midnight.

 Apparently, Oliver had gotten so sick and tired of her constant redecoration – he’d been sleeping on the couch because, she’d been changing their bedroom panels – so, he’d moved out in a huff.

I didn’t blame him either, I’d totally do the same thing.

Anyway, so I’d had to sit with her all night, while she sobbed into rolls and rolls of tissue – I didn’t understand the sobbing, since he’d said to call him when she was done, but I was being very supportive, so I’d just kept nodding and agreeing with everything she said.

As I climbed up the flight of stairs, leading from the elevator to the design floor, I crossed my fingers tight, hoping that he wouldn’t see me come in late. I wouldn’t want him to think I was taking advantage of our newfound friendship.

I was in luck. For once.

Stacey was at her desk – which surprised me; I’d thought she’d finally had a valid enough excuse to skip out on work.

“Hey, Dee”, she said, her eyes puffy and red from crying.

“Stacey. I thought you’d take the day off”, I said, walking up to her desk.

She sniffed. “I told him – I t-t-told him I was done, b-but he said he doesn’t want to live with me anymore”, she said, breaking off into a fresh set of tears.


I went round to her side and patted her gently. I wasn’t very good at dealing with emotional stuff – not because I’m thick-skinned or anything – I’ve just never been very good at sharing or expressing feelings, or getting all touchy-feely.

She calmed down and I said, “He’ll come around, don’t worry. I think you should take the day off, though.”

She looked up at me, “You’re not going to fire me?”

“Stace, I’d never fire you. You’re one of my best friends ever”, I said, with a small smile.

I was most definitely going to regret telling her that – that I’d never fire her – when she got all better; she’d probably remember it and just never come in.

She packed up her stuff, sniffling, and headed off.

I was about to head into my office when I heard voices behind me – or rather, one voice in particular. I spun around.

Jeremy was walking up the stairs with a dark-haired lady, with piercing blue eyes – almost grey –  who was wearing a classy mini red dress and black platforms. She was so gorgeous, and she looked like a million dollars in her entire outfit. Jeremy was actually grinning at her; I had to do a double take – an actual grin!

It took me a short while to realize they were actually headed in my direction. They stopped in front of me – I was still leaning on Stacey’s desk.

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