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It's been a while since I confronted someone about debt but this couldn't be ignored. Ace hired this guy to help us flip money and he was doing a good job. But that slowly started to go downhill and instead of helping us, he decided to play with my money. I had my eyes on him for weeks thinking that maybe he would get himself together but he kept going downhill. So, now it was time to confront him and kill him. I didn't have time for people who decided to play instead of work. It was annoying and I didn't want anyone like that on my team. I walked into the room and sighed rolling up my sleeves. Ace was in the room with another one of my men. There was a guy tied to a chair in the middle of the room. He was covered in tattoos and he looked Asian. I sat in the chair in front of him and I could see the fear in his eyes. But there was something else that I noticed. He was afraid but he had a fighting spirit, I could tell. Instead of putting a bullet in his head, I decided to take it easy on him for a minute.

"What's your name kid?"

"Aito," he said. His voice held dominance but was gentle at the same time.

"Cool name, I like it. As much as I would like to sit here and get to know you on a friendship level, I can't. You see, you have gambled away five hundred thousand dollars of my money. Ace warned you two months ago and I still see no progress with you recovering the money you lost. What the hell is going on? Do you think this is a game?" He gulped and I smirked. I could see it now, the fear in his eyes.

"Listen, I would never play with your money. I do different things to flip your money and gambling is one of them."

I pulled my gun out and pointed it at him. "Don't lie to me, Aito. I'm not in the mood to listen to your bullshit. Don't beat around the bush with me. Just come and say the truth because either way, you're dead."

Ace stepped in front of me, "I know you're upset but listen to me. This kid is good at what he does."

"He can be replaced," I mumbled.

Ace laughed, "I don't think you're going to find someone who can bring in half a million every month. Let's be honest here, he had brought in five times the amount of money that he lost. Trust me, I get it. You don't want people getting over on you but this kid is special. He is a big part of the family and the business that he runs. Hear him out and then decide what you want to do. But don 't kill him, Vain. I want you to trust me on this one. He's smart as hell and I've never seen anyone like him."

He stepped aside and I sighed sticking my gun back on my waist. Usually, Ace wanted to kill, but I knew that if he was vouching for him, he had to be good at what he did.

"You want the truth; I'll give it you."

I raised an eyebrow and smirked. Ace was right, this kid had spirit and I liked it.

"I've been flipping money for you and Ace is right. I have made a lot of money doing it the way that I'm used to. I thought that maybe if I went to the Casino, I could flip money there. It was risky but I knew the money that they have there. So, I decided to start off by playing with one hundred thousand. I won double the money and started to play again. It was more fun for me than it was work. I'll admit it because I can't lie to you. I stopped focusing on work and started playing for fun. One night, I had too many drinks and my head wasn't where it needed to be. I lost the five hundred thousand in one night. I've been trying to get it back ever since. It wasn't that I was ignoring your attempts to reach me. I knew that money was what you wanted and you didn't care about my excuses. So, I've been winning your money back and stacking it. I wanted to give you the whole amount at one time."

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