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I stared down at Isabella's head in the box and I couldn't stop myself. How could they do this to her? My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest. I couldn't breathe and I was blinded by rage. I grabbed my gun and walked towards the door quickly. My father grabbed me before I could leave. Why was he stopping me? I was going to kill Satoni's ass, and he couldn't stop me. There was nothing that he could do to me anymore. He took away the one thing that made me happy, and now I was going to kill his sorry ass.

"I'm going to make him regret this shit."

My father pushed me down on the couch. "I know that you're angry, but you have to be smart. Keep your head in the game because if you don't you'll end up dead. He wanted blood for what you did to his sister and now he got it."


He grabbed me by the collar, "watch your tone. I told you that this lifestyle is not for women. If you decide to have a wife, remember that she will be used against you. You knew that when you started dealing with her. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself. You're the one who left her with no protection. You know that you are supposed to leave her with security."

He was right, I had fucked up. I left her unprotected and that gave them the opportunity to kidnap her. It was my fault that she was dead, but I still wanted to kill them.

"I won't let you start a war over a girl."

"She wasn't any girl; she was the love of my life. She was carrying my baby and they murdered her. Do you have any idea what I'm going through right now? I don't think you do because you have the woman that you love."

He sighed running his fingers through his hair, "you're right. I don't know what it's like, but that doesn't change the rules. If she was your wife, it would be different, but she wasn't. She was a girl that you were fucking and you caught feelings. Move on and get over it because we will get them back."

"How?" I asked tucking my gun in my waistband.

He handed me a drink and I took it. "They have a container of cocaine heading to Texas. We are going to take it; they will lose six hundred thousand."

"That sounds good," I mumbled downing my drink in one gulp.

He smirked and patted me on the shoulder, "I'm placing you in charge. Kill as many of their men as possible. That will be your revenge, and you know you only get one shot."

"I won't mess it up, I'll take advantage of this." I stood up and my mom walked into the room. I knew that she didn't like when I went on missions like this, but she had to understand that I needed to do this.

"Vain, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Mom, I'm not in the mood for a lecture right now. I need to handle this and I will. Did you see what they did to her?"

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