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"So, I feel like it will be better to start from the beginning

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"So, I feel like it will be better to start from the beginning. I didn't love you. The only reason that we started to date was because your father blackmailed me. Blue took advantage of me and I became pregnant. I didn't want anything to do with him, and so I got an abortion. Yes, I'm talking about the same Blue that attacked Athena. Victor found out and threatened to tell my stepfather. He told me that I was going to help him and I felt like at that time I didn't have any other choice. So, I came onto you and before I knew it we were in a relationship. Throughout the whole relationship, he was constantly blackmailing me. He wanted me to get you to love me so that you would propose to me and then once we were married, he could have half of Italy. He wanted me to keep trying to convince Emilio. But he was a smart man and he always had a plan. His plan was for Satoni and Athena to marry. He had already sealed the deal with Alonzo so there was nothing that I could do. I thought that once your father figured out that there was no hope, he would let me go. But he didn't and I don't know why I thought that he would. At this point you didn't desire me anymore and we were fighting all the time. We were fighting because I was miserable, and I didn't want to do any of this. You started dating Isabella and I finally saw hope at the end of the road. I thought that now that you had found someone that really made you happy, he would leave me alone. But once again Victor would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. He made me say those things and write those things. He wanted me to do anything to get you back and that included playing like I was suicidal. The truth is, I did move on with James Franco. I got pregnant and I was happy because I finally felt free. But it was short-lived because your father came back again blackmailing me. He told me that he wanted me to pin the child on you. I didn't want to do it but I knew that my life would never be the same if my father found out about my abortion. So, I did what I had to do. Every time that I did it, I felt sick to my stomach. I never wanted to ruin a happy home. It got to the point where I finally gathered up the courage to confront Victor. I told him that I didn't want to do any of this anymore, and I didn't care if he told my step-father about what was going on. I felt like it was the best decision that I ever made, but I was wrong. When I decided to stop working for him, he treated me like a threat. I had too much information on him and you know your father better than I do. He will do whatever it takes to tie up the loose end and that's exactly what I was to him at that point. I knew that he was going to destroy me and I was scared. I knew what I had done, and I didn't want to face my father or you after everything that happened. So, I decided to take my own life. It was the one thing that I felt like I could control at that point. Victor had taken all that he could take from me, and I didn't desire to be here anymore. But before I died, I had one last phone call with Victor. He didn't hesitate to tell me what his new plan was now that I was out of the picture. He told me that my death would cause a war. When he said that I started to second-guess myself and tell myself not to do it. But at the same time, I felt like if I didn't, I would continue to be controlled by him."

I took a step back watching as sadness washed over her face. I had no idea that she was going through all of this, and it was because of my father. To know that he had taken advantage of her sickened me.

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