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"Do you have to go?" Ethan rasped towards me, starting to wake up a little bit. I pout as I turned over towards him.

"I already told Avery I would meet her for lunch." I remind him. My boyfriend of six months sits up to look at me.

We met at a Saint Patricks day party earlier this year. Right when I saw him, I instantly grew a crush on him.

I don't know what it was, but something drew me to him. I took a couple shots of courage and went to introduce myself to him.

And just a few weeks later, we started dating. My best friend Tyler and his girlfriend, Avery, aren't too fond of him.

They've heard some rumors about him and they don't fully trust him. In the past six months, he's never done anything to hurt me.

He's been super sweet and always does things for me without me asking. I could tell he was half asleep.

"You going to come back later?" He asked curiously. I thought about it for a second. "It depends on how things go." I tell him.

He nods and stands up from the bed. He started to stretch, all of his muscles expanding.

He goes to the gym regularly so he's pretty built. "Be careful, okay?" He asked walking towards me.

"Of course, I'll text you." He bent down and pecked my lips. We shared our goodbyes and I head out of his apartment.

That's the thing I like about Ethan, he doesn't get pissed if I want to go out with friends.

He might not like Avery and Tyler, but he knows how much they mean to me.

It was originally me and Tyler living together. But once him and Avery got serious, she moved in.

They've been dating for a year and a half and she moved in about the same time Ethan and I got together.

I really like her, I can tell that she really cares for Tyler. I've known Tyler since high school.

He was new to our school and I saw him sitting alone during lunch. I went over and started talking to him.

We talked about music and our favorite artists, and we instantly clicked.

He games on Twitch so he spends a lot of time on his Pc. He either does Grand Theft Auto role play on a server or he does Rocket League.

It usually depends on the mood. He's pretty popular on the streaming app which is cool.

He usually starts streaming around eight and doesn't get off til one or two.

During the day, he hangs out with us or goes to the gym. Avery works at a local boutique and she loves it.

She wants to work in fashion one day, which I can totally see. Her sense of style is super cute.

As for me, I take dance classes at the local dance studio and I also choreograph for then ten to twelve year olds.

I choreograph and teach them every weekend from five to eight.

On Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's, and Saturday's are my classes. I do it throughout the day while the kids are in school.

I'm also on the competitive team and we won nationals in June. We're gonna take the next few months off now.

We're gonna start practicing in January so we can be ready for regional's in April. I was excited for it honestly.

Even though it's stressful, I love competition season. I get along with my teammates, they're all super sweet.

When I get into my apartment, Tyler was making food in the kitchen. He looks at me confused when I walk in.

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