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It was one of those days where I was extremely stressed. Colby left a few days ago for Thanksgiving so I haven't seen him.

The only people I've seen is Avery and Tyler. But on Thanksgiving, they spent it at both of their parents while I spent it with my dad.

The whole time most of my friend group was gone, Ethan has been blowing up my phone.

The catch is that he only does it late at night when he's been drinking.

He keeps telling me how he misses me and how he wants me back. I don't believe a word he says.

Especially knowing he's drunk. The messages have been getting more intense so I've been starting to get more stressed.

I was currently at the studio, practicing for my solo. Alex gave it to me early so I can be prepared.

As I was working on the routine, I could hear the door open and close.

I stop dancing and pausing my music. "We're closed." My voice echoed throughout the place.

Whenever I'm stressed, Alex let's me stay here to dance knowing it helps.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me while I looked at the door.

I was surprised to see Colby walk in. A smile forms on my lips while I put my hands on my hips.

"I thought you were flying back tomorrow." I would've picked him up if I knew he was coming.

He shook his head towards me. "Flew in a couple hours ago." I wonder why he's here.

He slowly walks towards me, hands in his pocket. He was looking around at everything while he walked.

"How'd you know I was here?" I ask him suspiciously. He inhales a deep breath while looking at me.

"Tyler told me. I've been trying to get ahold of you." I explain to him how when I'm here, I put my phone on do not disturb.

I start playing with my fingers, knowing it was a nervous habit of mine.

When I look up at Colby, he was looking at me softly, worry on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking into my eyes. I swallow deeply.

I didn't want to tell him just yet. "Yeah, I've just been a little stressed recently." I wouldn't say I'm lying.

Just that I'm withholding information from him. He pouts while he thinks about something.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" He asked with hope on his voice.

I think about it for a minute. "I don't think I have any plans." I think out loud.

A small smile grew on his face. "A few of us were thinking about going snowboarding if you wanted to come." He suggested.

It did sound like a good idea. I haven't been snowboarding in a long time, so I think it'll be a good distraction.

I smile up at him while tightening my ponytail. "Yeah, who's all going?" I ask curious.

"Sam, Kat, Stas, myself, and maybe you." He listed off. I think about it, and it did sound like fun.

"Yeah, I'm game for it." He started smiling widely which made me smile.

I don't know how his smile is so contagious. He runs his fingers through his hair while scanning the room we're standing in.

"So this is where you dance at?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, Alex usually lets me stay when he closes sometimes." I speak.

He looks over at me, a playful smirk on his lips. "Show me your best move?" I instantly started nervous laughing.

Slow motion || Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now